Comments - mysql Command-line Client

13 years, 9 months ago Sidhartha Mandal
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How about adding -J (or --json) flag to extract json output of a SQL using mysql client. [just like -X or -H options]

Example: Here below, I'm extracting using 2 step process (using sed). It would be great if we can handle this using C and some good JSON parser.

Create a small bash script named tojson: --

  1. !/bin/bash

sed -e 's/\t/\",\"/g' \ -e 's/^/\[\"/' \ -e 's/$/\"\],/' \ -e '1s/\(.*\)/\{\"fields\":\1\ \"data\":[/g' -e '$s/.$/\]\}/' \

tr -d "\n"


To execute:

mysql -u<dbuser> -p<dbpass> -S<socket-path> -D<dbname> -X -e "SQL-STATEMENT" | ./tojson

Now a days JSON parsers are widely used and has lots of benefits over XML.

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