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As mentioned in the Range Optimizer, ranges on multiple key parts can create a combinatorial amount of ranges.

optimizer_max_sel_arg_weight setting is a limit to reduce the number of ranges generated by dropping restrictions on higher key parts if the number of ranges becomes too high.

Combinatorial number of ranges

Let's reuse the example from the Range Optimizer page.

create table t2 (
  keypart1 int,
  keypart2 varchar(100),
  keypart3 int,
  index idx(keypart1, keypart2, keypart3)
select * from t2 
  keypart1 in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) and keypart2 in ('a','b', 'c') and keypart3 in (1,2,3,4);

Range optimizer will produce 10 * 3 * 4 = 120 ranges.

select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G
                    "range_scan_alternatives": [
                        "index": "idx",
                        "ranges": [
                          "(1,a,1) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (1,a,1)",
                          "(1,a,2) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (1,a,2)",
                          "(1,a,3) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (1,a,3)",
                          "(1,a,4) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (1,a,4)",
                          "(1,b,1) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (1,b,1)",
                          //... # 114 lines omitted ...
                           "(3,b,3) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (3,b,3)",
                          "(3,b,4) <= (keypart1,keypart2,keypart3) <= (3,b,4)",

This number is fine but if your IN-list are thousands then the number of ranges can in the millions which may cause excessive CPU or memory usage.

SEL_ARG graph

Internally, the Range Optimizer builds this kind of graph:

Vertical black lines connect adjacent "intervals" on the same key part. Red lines connect a key part to a subsequent key part.

To produce ranges, one walks this graph by starting from left most corner. Walking right "attaches" the ranges on one key part to another to form multi-part ranges. One must mind that Not all combinations produce multi-part ranges, though.

Walking top-to-bottom produces adjacent ranges.

Weight of SEL_ARG graph

Ideally, we would like to limit the number of ranges we produce. However

Example of effect of limiting weight


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