Comments - Partial Backup and Restore with Mariabackup

2 years, 11 months ago Gilles Reeves

Can I use Mariabackup for doing a partial backup of some tables in a database, and restoring them in ANOTHER database?

Actually I am looking for a way to quickly clone full huge tables (only MyISAM or Aria so far) from one database to another one.

Using mysqldump it is quite fast to dump them, but they take hours to restore.

Backing up all of them using Mariabackup needs less than 4 minutes (on a quite slow test machine), and likely I could just manually stop the server, put the MyISAM files in the database space and restart the server in a matter of seconds, but I'm not completely sure this is safe.

Is there a way to cleanly restore them IN ANOTHER DATABASE, for example by using the --move-back option of Mariabackup, without corrupting other existing databases (as the backup also includes files like ibdata1, likely useless in this case)?


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