Comments - Poor performance on inserts MariaDB

8 years, 2 months ago Andy Ferretti

We have learned something. The entries in the log with WRITE are from the stored procedure, that is owned by account isaac_all. 20160509 09:16:29,zlx70756,isaac_all,%,32,11812791,WRITE,ped,ped_location_load, When we added server_audit_excl_users=isaac_all, performance went from 476 rows/ second to 1,250 rows / second. We still have a ways to go to match Oracle at 2,500 rows/ second. We also still see a few "System locks" and "Table locks" in the "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS" output. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

8 years, 2 months ago Jan Lindström

Did you use xtradb (default) or innodb_plugin (needs to be configured) ? At least on my performance testing in many cases innodb_plugin offers better performance.

8 years, 2 months ago Andy Ferretti

Thanks for the suggestion. I can look into it, but I'd like to see what the MariaDB people have to say. From this link, it appears that I would be moving away from the engine that MariaDB believe is best: I've been trying to find the root cause of the performance difference. I'll put some notes into an additional entry.

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