Comments - postConfigure failed with error:.UI Command log file cannot be opened

7 years, 7 months ago haiwen zhu
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msg in /var/log/message:

Dec  8 09:53:02 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 ProcessMonitor[30689]: 02.847458 |0|0|0| E 18 CAL0000: EXCEPTION ERROR on processInitComplete: API Failure return in processInitComplete API         
Dec  8 09:53:08 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 oamcpp[30689]: 08.848528 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: processInitComplete: Status update failed         
Dec  8 09:53:08 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 ProcessMonitor[30689]: 08.848663 |0|0|0| E 18 CAL0000: EXCEPTION ERROR on processInitComplete: API Failure return in processInitComplete API         
Dec  8 09:53:14 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 oamcpp[30689]: 14.849763 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: processInitComplete: Status update failed         
Dec  8 09:53:14 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 ProcessMonitor[30689]: 14.849902 |0|0|0| E 18 CAL0000: EXCEPTION ERROR on processInitComplete: API Failure return in processInitComplete API         
Dec  8 09:53:20 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 oamcpp[30689]: 20.851118 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: processInitComplete: Status update failed         
Dec  8 09:53:20 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 ProcessMonitor[30689]: 20.851244 |0|0|0| E 18 CAL0000: EXCEPTION ERROR on processInitComplete: API Failure return in processInitComplete API         
Dec  8 09:53:26 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 oamcpp[30689]: 26.852334 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: processInitComplete: Status update failed         
Dec  8 09:53:26 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 ProcessMonitor[30689]: 26.852468 |0|0|0| E 18 CAL0000: EXCEPTION ERROR on processInitComplete: API Failure return in processInitComplete API         
Dec  8 09:53:32 WEBAPP_10_130_89_71 oamcpp[30689]: 32.853579 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: processInitComplete: Status update failed         
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