MariaDB Server 5.5.64

About this Release

About this Release Series

  • This release is part of the MariaDB Server 5.5 release series.
  • The MariaDB Server 5.5 release series will be supported until April 2020.
  • What's new in this release series?

Release History

  • The prior release in this series was MariaDB Server 5.5.63, released on 30 Jan 2019.
  • This release (MariaDB Server 5.5.64) was released on 29 Apr 2019.
  • The next release in this series is MariaDB Server 5.5.65, released on 31 Jul 2019.
  • The latest release in this series is MariaDB Server 5.5.68, released on 12 May 2020.

Useful Resources

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