Profiling Memory Usage

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Profiling the memory usage can be useful for finding out why a program appears to use more memory than it should. It is especially helpful for analyzing OOM situations or other cases where the memory grows linearly and causes problems.

To profile the memory usage of a program, there are multiple options. The following sections describe the methods that are available.

If a problem in memory usage is identified and it appears to be due to a bug, please open a new bug report on the MariaDB Jira under the correct project and include the relevant memory profiling output in it. Refer to |How to Write a Good Bug Report for more details.

BPF Compiler Collection (bcc)

The bcc toolkit comes with the memleak program that traces outstanding memory allocations. This is a very convenient way of debugging high memory usage as it'll immediately show where the memory is allocated at.

The tool will print output once every five seconds with the stacktraces that have the most open allocations. To help analyze excessive memory usage, collect the output of the memleak program for at least 60 seconds. Use Ctrl+C to interrupt the collection of the traces.

RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux and Fedora

On RHEL based systems, the package is named bcc-tools. After installing it, use the following command to profile the memory usage:

sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/memleak -p $(pidof mariadbd) | tee memleak.log

Ubuntu and Debian

On Ubuntu/Debian the package is named bpfcc-tools. After installing it, use the following command to profile the memory usage:

sudo memleak-bpfcc -p $(pidof mariadbd) | tee memleak.log

Jemalloc Heap Profiling

Jemalloc is an alternative to the default glibc memory allocator. It is capable of analyzing the heap memory usage of a process which allows it to be used to detect all sorts of memory usage problems with a lower overhead compared to tools like Valgrind. Unlike the ASAN and LSAN sanitizers, it is capable of detecting cases where memory doesn't actually leak but keeps growing with no upper limit (e.g. items get appended to a list but are never removed).

Ubuntu and Debian

To enable jemalloc, the packages for it must be first installed from the system repositories. Ubuntu 20.04 requires the following packages to be installed for jemalloc profiling:

apt-get -y install libjemalloc2 libjemalloc-dev binutils graphviz ghostscript gv

RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux and Fedora

On all RHEL based systems, the package name is jemalloc. The jeprof tool is in the jemalloc-devel package:

dnf -y install jemalloc jemalloc-devel

Configuring Jemalloc for Heap Profiling

Once installed, edit the systemd service file with systemctl edit mariadbd and add the following lines into it. The path to the file is OS-specific so make sure it points to the correct file. The example here is for Ubuntu and Debian environments.


Then run systemctl daemon-reload and restart MaxScale with systemctl restart maxscale.service.

The MaxScale log directory in /var/log/maxscale/ will start to be filled by versioned files with a .heap suffix. Every time the virtual memory used by MaxScale reaches a new high, a file will be created. Initially, the files will be created very often but eventually the pace will slow down. Once the problematic memory usage has been identified, the latest .heap file can be analyzed with the jeprof program.

The easiest way to look at the generated heap profile is with the PDF output. To generate the PDF report of the latest heap dump, run the following command:

jeprof --pdf /usr/bin/maxscale $(ls -1 /var/log/maxscale/*.heap|sort -V|tail -n 1) > heap-report.pdf

The generated heap-report.pdf will contain a breakdown of the memory usage of MaxScale.

Note that the report generation with the jeprof program must be done on the same system where the profiling was done. If done elsewhere, the binaries do not necessarily match and can cause the report generation to fail.

Tcmalloc Heap Profiling

Similarly to the jemalloc memory allocator, the tcmalloc memory allocator comes with a leak checker and heap profiler.


Rocky Linux 8

sudo dnf -y install gperftools

Ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt -y install google-perftools

Service file configuration

Once tcmalloc is installed, edit /lib/systemd/system/maxscale.service and add the following lines into the [Service] section.

Note: Make sure to use the correct path to the tcmalloc library in LD_PRELOAD. The following example uses the Debian location of the library. The file is usually located in /usr/lib64/ on RHEL systems. The version number of the library can also change which might require other adjustments to the library path.


Then run systemctl daemon-reload and restart MaxScale with systemctl restart maxscale.service.

Report generation

Depending on which OS you are using, the report generation program is named either pprof (RHEL) or google-pprof (Debian/Ubuntu).

It is important to pick the latest .heap file to analyze. The following command generates the heap-report.pdf from the latest heap dump. The file will show the breakdown of the memory usage.

pprof --pdf /usr/bin/maxscale $(ls /var/log/maxscale/*.heap|sort -V|tail -n 1) > heap-report.pdf


Valgrind can be used to analyze memory usage problems but usually it is left as the last resort due to the heavy performance penalty that it incurs. However, the use of Valgrind is simple as it is widely available and can be used with existing MaxScale binaries.

To use valgrind for memory leak detection, edit the /lib/systemd/system/maxscale.service file and replace the following values:

  • ExecStart=/usr/bin/maxscale with ExecStart=valgrind --leak-check=full /usr/bin/maxscale -d
  • Type=forking with Type=simple

Then reload the daemon with systemctl daemon-reload and restart the MaxScale process with systemctl restart maxscale.service. Once the memory problem is confirmed, stop the MaxScale process with systemctl stop maxscale.service. Valgrind will print the leak report into the system journal that can be viewed with journalctl -u maxscale.


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