Comments - Recursive Common Table Expressions Overview

6 years, 5 months ago Jon Armstrong

From an example in the documentation above, I've added n, which represents the level within the hierarchy:

CREATE TABLE bus_routes (origin varchar(50), dst varchar(50));
 ('New York', 'Boston'),
 ('Boston', 'New York'),
 ('New York', 'Washington'),
 ('Washington', 'Boston'),
 ('Washington', 'Raleigh')

WITH RECURSIVE paths (n, cur_path, cur_dest) AS (
 SELECT 1 AS n, origin, origin
   FROM bus_routes
  WHERE origin='New York'
 SELECT n + 1, CONCAT(paths.cur_path, ',', bus_routes.dst), bus_routes.dst
   FROM paths, bus_routes
  WHERE paths.cur_dest = bus_routes.origin
    AND LOCATE(bus_routes.dst, paths.cur_path) = 0
SELECT * FROM paths;
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