Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4.10-4

This fourth release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4 is a maintenance release, including a variety of fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4.10-4 was released on 2019-11-18.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

CVE (with link)CVSS base score

Notable Changes

  • New option innodb_change_buffer_dump added to Debug builds. This option dumps the contents of the InnoDB change buffer to the server error log at startup. This is useful when a slow shutdown cannot be performed successfully. (MDEV-20864)
  • Eliminated unnecessary logging of warnings to the error log regarding InnoDB maximum row size for DML statements which should be present only for DDL operations. (MENT-454)

Issues Fixed

Can result in data loss

  • mariabackup --prepare --export ... could overwrite binary logs if certain conditions were present. (MDEV-20703) Conditions which must be present to trigger this bug:
    • mariabackup is executed on the MariaDB Server host, and
    • Configuration files from the master are used, and
    • Configuration files enable binary logging

If unable to upgrade to MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4.10-4, where this bug is fixed, a workaround is available: use the --defaults option to mariabackup to avoid the bug-triggering conditions by specifying a different configuration file.

Can result in a hang or crash

  • Prior removal of a FULLTEXT index from an InnoDB table can cause a hang on startup. (MDEV-19647)
  • Removal of a FULLTEXT index from an InnoDB table can cause a hang. (MDEV-19529)
  • Change to a InnoDB table containing a FULLTEXT index can cause Server to become unresponsive. (MDEV-20987)
  • Removal of a virtual column used by an index can result in a crash. (MENT-434)
  • INSTANT ADD COLUMN on an InnoDB table which includes a OREIGN KEY definition can result in a crash. (MENT-435)
  • INSTANT column DROP or column reorder can result in a crash. Server restart can also crash unless innodb_force_recovery is set to E2E or greater. (MDEV-20117)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • Unnecessary logging of warnings to the error log regarding InnoDB maximum row size for DML statements which should be present only for DDL operations. (MENT-454)
  • After server restart, a SELECT using a FULLTEXT index on InnoDB tables can fail to return some data. (MDEV-19073)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Backup and MariaDB Backup, when using mbstream, recreated xtrabackup_info in the same directory as the backup file. Repeated extract of the backup could fail. (MDEV-18438)
  • script could not be launched and returned a syntax error. (MENT-433)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Cluster cannot perform GCache recovery when GCache encryption is enabled, but no warning was sent to the error log. (MENT-373)
  • Installing MariaDB Enterprise Server from repository failed on CentOS 7 due to package dependencies. (MENT-420)

Interface Changes


Platforms In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.4.10-4 is provided for:

  • CentOS 8
  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 6
  • Debian 10
  • Debian 9
  • Debian 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Microsoft Windows

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see "MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".


CentOS 6, Debian 8, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 are no longer supported as per the MariaDB Engineering Policy. Older releases are available from the MariaDB Downloads page. Instructions for installation are included as a README file within the download.

Installation Instructions

Upgrade Instructions


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