Release Notes for MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.25-19

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.25-19 is a maintenance release of MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5. This release includes a variety of fixes.

MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.25-19 was released on 2024-06-11.

Fixed Security Vulnerabilities

CVE (with link)CVSS base score

Notable Changes

  • Galera has been updated to 26.4.18
    • The GCS protocol version has been changed, preventing a downgrade of individual nodes of a MariaDB Enterprise Cluster

Changes in Storage Engines

This release incorporates MariaDB ColumnStore engine version 5.6.8.

Issues Fixed

Can result in data loss

  • With --gtid-ignore-duplicate set a transaction can be double-applied from another replication source if at applying the transaction from the initial source required retrying in parallel execution. (MDEV-33475)
  • Backups of server with innodb_encrypt_tables=1 can become corrupted in mariadb-backup --prepare (MDEV-33334)
  • The TIMESTAMP value of '1970-01-01 00:00:00' can be inserted via a INSERT ...FROM ... SELECT in strict mode although it should result in an error (MDEV-34088)
  • Galera-replicated events can in some cases contain the wrong time when versioning is used (MDEV-18590)
  • wrong row targeted with "insert ... on duplicate" and "replace", leading to data corruption (MDEV-30046)

Can result in hang or crash

  • Using current MariaDB Enterprise Backup against an older server can result in a crash, as the system variable @@aria_log_dir_path does not exist (MDEV-31251)
  • When using a non-default setting for "innodb_change_buffering", the server can crash (MDEV-33332)
  • When a fulltext search query with more than 4G inserted or updated rows is executed, the server can crash (MDEV-33383)
  • For encrypted table spaces an ALTER operation can hang when an encryption thread works on the same tablespace (MDEV-33770)
  • EXPLAIN statement that uses a subquery which has a query plan that A) will examine less than @@expensive_subquery_limit rows and B) will use join buffer could cause a crash. (MDEV-21102)
  • For a SPIDER table, when deleting partitions from a table, the server can crash (MDEV-33731)
  • When replaying a binary log with mariadb-binlog, the tool can crash if the binary log includes statements related to sequences, like SELECT NEXTVAL(s) (MDEV-31779)
  • MariaDB Enterprise Backup fails with the following error message if the prepare step of the backup encounters a data directory which happens to store wsrep xid position in TRX SYS page: (MDEV-33540)
    InnoDB: Crash recovery is broken due to insufficient innodb_log_file_size
  • Assertion when user commits an empty transaction for DDL that was killed during certification: (MDEV-32787)
    !wsrep_has_changes(thd) || (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_TABLE && !thd->is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row()) || thd->wsrep_cs().transaction().state() == wsrep::transaction::s_aborted
  • Graceful node shutdown can crash garbd and MariaDB Enterprise Cluster can go non-primary when SSL is used (MDEV-33495)

Can result in unexpected behavior

  • Wrong result sets are returned by the second execution of prepared statements from selects using mergeable derived tables pushed into external engine (MDEV-31361)
  • A query that uses a derived table that employs constructs with side-effects, like (SELECT @var:=... ) as derived_tbl, could produce wrong results (MDEV-30975)
  • ORDER BY COLLATE improperly applied to non-character columns which is resulting in an unordered result set (MDEV-33318)
  • Spider/ODBC passed double quotes for names, in ANSI style (MENT-958)
  • Default charset doesn't work with PHP MySQLi extension (MDEV-32975)
  • Bad SEPARATOR value in GROUP_CONCAT on character set conversion can lead to a wrong result (MDEV-33772)
  • Spider returns parsing failure on valid left join select by translating the on expression to () (MDEV-33679)
  • When creating a temporary InnoDB table with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... AS SELECT ... from an InnoDB table as a non SUPER / READ ONLY ADMIN user, the following error is shown instead of creating the table: (MDEV-33889)
    ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MariaDB server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement
    • CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE (without SELECT), INSERT ... SELECT, and CREATE ... LIKE are not affected by this bug
  • A view created via JSON_ARRAYAGG returns an incorrect JSON object (MDEV-30646)
  • Mariadb-dump trusts the server and does not validate the data. A modified dump file can include system commands used by the mariadb-client. Dumps are now loaded in the sandbox mode by default, a system call will result in an error (MDEV-33727)
  • Updating a case insensitive large unique key with an insensitive change of the value can result in a duplicate key error (MDEV-29345)
  • When setting binlog_annotate_row_events=1, an event of binlog file can be truncated (MDEV-9179)
  • Wrong result with semi-join and split-table derived table from queries with an IN subquery predicate in the WHERE clause and a derived table in the FROM clause to which split materialized optimization could be applied. (MDEV-23878)
  • With galera, correct transactions could not be committed with the following error when accessing system tables for read, and write to innodb tables in the same transaction: (MDEV-33828)
    Transactional commit not supported by involved engine 
  • A wrong result on 2-nd execution of a prepared statement is possible when selecting from a view using a merged derived table (MDEV-31277)
  • Original IP not shown in network related error messages when proxy_protocol is in use (MDEV-33506)
  • Incorrect DEFAULT expression evaluated in UPDATE (MDEV-33790)
  • group by optimization incorrectly removing subquery where subject buried in a function (MDEV-28621)
  • Table is getting rebuild with ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN although it should be an instant operation not requiring a rebuild (MDEV-33214)
  • Aggregation functions fail to leverage uniqueness property (MDEV-30660)
    • Generally, computing aggregate function with DISTINCT argument: aggregate_func(DISTINCT col1, col2, ...) requires producing a de-duplicated set of its arguments, which can be CPU-intensive
    • When we select from one table the argument list includes the table's PRIMARY (or UNIQUE) key:
      SELECT aggregate_func(DISTINCT t1.primary_key, ...) FROM t1;
      then the arguments are guaranteed not to have duplicates. Such cases are now detected allowing the optimizer to skip de-duplication.


For the complete list of changes in this release, see the changelog.


In alignment to the enterprise lifecycle, MariaDB Enterprise Server 10.5.25-19 is provided for:

  • AlmaLinux 8 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • AlmaLinux 9 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • CentOS 7 (x86_64)
  • Debian 10 (x86_64)
  • Debian 11 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Debian 12 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Microsoft Windows (x86_64) (MariaDB Enterprise Cluster excluded)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x86_64)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Rocky Linux 8 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Rocky Linux 9 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (x86_64)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (x86_64, ARM64)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64, ARM64)

Some components of MariaDB Enterprise Server might not support all platforms. For additional information, see "MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies".

Installation Instructions

Upgrade Instructions


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