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RESTORE TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... FROM '/path/to/backup/directory'


Note: Like BACKUP TABLE, this command was not reliable and has been removed in current versions of MariaDB.

RESTORE TABLE restores the table or tables from a backup that was made with BACKUP TABLE. The directory should be specified as a full path name.

Existing tables are not overwritten; if you try to restore over an existing table, an error occurs. Just as for BACKUP TABLE, RESTORE TABLE works only for MyISAM tables. Restored tables are not replicated from master to slave.

The backup for each table consists of its .frm format file and .MYD data file. The restore operation restores those files, and then uses them to rebuild the .MYI index file. Restoring takes longer than backing up due to the need to rebuild the indexes. The more indexes the table has, the longer it takes.


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