ROWID in *.dbf Files

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Is there a way to get the recno() / ROWID as field from the *dbf File?


Yes indeed. Just use a CONNECT special column, for instance:

create table t1 (
id int(6) not null,
msg char(10),
recno int(4) not null default 0 special=rowid
) engine=connect table_type=DBF file_name='afile.dbf';

insert into t1(id,msg) values(2,'two'),(3,'three'),(5,'five');

select * from t1;

The table will be displayed like this:


This is true for all file based CONNECT tables. However, for DBF tables:

Note 1: The current CONNECT version has a bug that causes an error being raised when inserting in a new void table (because special columns are wrongly kept when writing the header) This will be fixed in next versions. Meanwhile, you can insert in a new void table with a table defined without the special column and later add the special column with an ALTER TABLE statement.

Note 2: If instead of a ROWID special column you use a ROWNUM special column, it will give the record number including the "soft" deleted lines.


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