Comments - SELECT

2 years ago Milton Snider

Please direct me to an appropriate place for questions if this is not the place.

I have 26 procedures which worked fine in 5.5. Now I'm getting no results from what looks like a simple query. I'm passing a search parameter. Strings like xml, browse return no records. I am using a cursor to iterate every DB. I've never had an issue before. I started from scratch and here is the procedure. As I said, some strings return no records. The column I'm searching is called Name, values contains no spaces. The procedure code is below this sample table. [Names] aggregator aggregator_test block block_test blog book color comment contact contextual dashboard dblog field field_sql_storage list list_test number options

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE FirstProc (IN mytext varchar(200)) BEGIN DECLARE finished tinyint DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_db varchar(400) DEFAULT NULL;

drop temporary table if exists myemaillist; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mydbs AS (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS 'database' FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' and table_name='users'); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myemaillist (module varchar(255), place varchar(255)); BEGIN DECLARE mydb_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS 'database' FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' and table_name='users'; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET finished = 1;

open mydb_cursor;

SET @j = CONCAT('"%',mytext,'%"');

get_mydb: LOOP FETCH mydb_cursor INTO v_db; IF finished THEN CLOSE mydb_cursor; LEAVE get_mydb; END IF; SET @s = CONCAT('INSERT INTO myemaillist SELECT name, "',v_db,'" FROM system u WHERE type = ''module'' AND status = 1 AND name Like ',@j); PREPARE stmt FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; END LOOP get_mydb;

END; SELECT @S; select * from myemaillist order by Court; drop temporary table if exists myemaillist; END

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