Server Monitoring & Logs
You are viewing questions related to Server Monitoring & Logs.
MariaDB can keep a number of log files, including the error log, the binary log, the general query log and the slow query log.
Answered Questions
multiple err logs?
I've just installed MariaDB-Galera 5.5.29 on CentOS 6.4. With the standard... -
Get the error log of Mariadb
Hi there. First of all sorry if I shouldn't be asking this. I have a big da... -
InnoDB Errors - Table Cache Mutex Contention Detected, Wait Threshold Exceeded
I've been encountering an issue, since the beginning of July, that causes m... -
Unable to upgrade from 10.1.x to 10.3.x with Out place migration
Out-of-place migration: Out-of-place migration refers to migration to a new... -
Using traditional UNIX log locations
I would prefer that my db logs go in the same place as my system logs, i.e....
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