Comments - sharing one Database

11 years, 2 months ago Daniel Bartholomew

I've never tried doing that before, but if your Windows drive is mounted when Linux is running you should be able to set the datadir variable in your my.cnf file on Linux to the path to the data dir on your Windows drive.

Since they would be using the same data dir, every change made when you are running Linux will be there when you boot to Windows, and vice-versa.

This won't work if you have them both running simultaneously, but if only one or the other operating system is running at a given time then it should work. But like I said, I've never tried it.

11 years ago Michael Davies

My experience with this is that it will not work because Mariadb uses debian.cnf to get the password for user 'debian-sys-maint'. The only way to start the server is to change the password every time you start a different os. I tried setting the password the same in both .cnf files but this didn't work. I suspect the passwords have a UUID in each OS.

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