Spider Feature Matrix

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Clustering and High Availability
Commit, Rollback transactions on multiple backendYESYES
Multiplexing to a number of replicas using xa protocol 2PCYESYES
Split brain resolution based on a majority decision, failed node is remove from the list of replicasYESYES
Enable a failed backend to re enter the cluster transparentlyNONO
Synchronize DD to backend, table modification, schema changesNONO
Synchronize DDL to other SpiderNONO
Transparent partitioningNONO
Heterogenous Backends
MariaDB and MySQL database backendYESYES
Oracle database backend, if build from source against the client library 'ORACLE_HOME'YESYES
ODBC database backend via ConnectDB engineYESYES
Index Condition PushdownYESYES
Engine Condition PushdownYESCOMING
Concurrent partition scanYESCOMING
Batched key accessYESYES
Block hash joinNOYES
HANDLER backend propagationYESYES
HANDLER backend translation from SQLYESYES
HANDLER use prepared statementNOCOMING
HANDLER_SOCKET protocol backend propagationYESCOMING
HANDLER_SOCKET backend translation from SQLNONO
HANDLER backend translation from SQLYESYES
Map reduce for ORDER BY ... LIMITYESYES
Map reduce for MAX & MINYESYES
Map reduce for some GROUP BYYESYES
Batch multiple WRITES in auto commit to reduce network round tripYESYES
Relaxing backend consistencyYESYES
Execution Control
Configuration at table and partition level, settings can change per data collectionYESYES
Configurable empty result set on errors. For API that does not have transactions replayYESYES
Query Cache tuning per table of the on remote backendYESYES
Index Hint per table imposed on remote backendYESYES
SSL connections to remote backend connectionsYESYES
Table definition discovery from remote backendYESYES
Direct SQL execution to backend via UDFYESYES
Table re synchronization between backends via UDFYESYES


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