Spider Table System Variables

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The following variables are only available in COMMENT clause of the CREATE TABLE syntax when the Spider storage engine has been installed.


  • Description: Database name of reference table that exists in remote server.The default value is the same name of local database name


  • Description: A config file name that is referred at connecting to remote server. If default_group is set, the default value is "--defaults-extra-file" or "--defaults-file". If default_group is not set, the default value is none.
  • Default Table Value: none
  • DSN Parameter Name: dff


  • Description: A group name in config file that is referred at connecting to remote server.
  • Default Table Value: none
  • DSN Parameter Name: dfg


  • Description:Host name of remote server.
  • Default Table Value: localhost
  • DSN Parameter Name: host


  • Description: When MySQL use index on the Spider table for searching, Spider use this hint for searching remote table. Index of remote table is related to index of the Spider table by this hint. "000" is index id. index id is number of the index that at "show create table". "000" is PRIMARY KEY. You can use this parameter like 'idx000 "force index(PRIMARY)"'. And this hint can use following abbreviation. like 'idx000 "f PRIMARY"'.
    • f force index
    • u use index
    • ig ignore index
  • Default Table Value: none


  • Description: Remote server transmission existence of delayed when insert delayed is executed in local.
    • 0 It doesn't transmit.
    • 1 It transmits.
  • Default Table Value: 0
  • DSN Parameter Name: idl
  • Description: Change status of the remote backend server link.
    • 0 No change status.
    • 1 Set OK status.
    • 2 Set RECOVERY status.
    • 3 Set no more in group communication status .
  • Default Table Value: 0
  • DSN Parameter Name: lst


  • Description: Interval of background monitoring.(microsecond)
  • Default Table Value: 10000000
  • DSN Parameter Name: mbi


  • Description: The kind of background monitoring.
    • 0 It doesn't monitor.
    • 1 It monitors state of connection.
    • 2 It monitors state of a table without where clause.
    • 3 It monitors state of a table with where clause.(not supported yet)
  • Default Table Value: 0
  • DSN Parameter Name: mbk


  • Description: The kind of monitoring.
    • 0 It doesn't monitor.
    • 1 It monitors state of connection.
    • 2 It monitors state of a table without where clause.
    • 3 It monitors state of a table with where clause.(not supported yet)
  • Default Table Value: 0
  • DSN Parameter Name: mkd


  • Description: The limititation of records at monitoring table. (Only when monitoring_kind is bigger than 1, it is effective.) 0 or more : Number of limitation.
  • Default Table Value: 1
  • DSN Parameter Name: mlt


  • Description:* The server_id of monitoring MySQL server.
  • Default Table Value: server_id
  • DSN Parameter Name: msi


  • Description: Password of remote server.
  • Default Table Value: none
  • DSN Parameter Name: password


  • Description: Port of remote server.
  • Default Table Value: 3306
  • DSN Parameter Name: port


  • Description: Priority. The order of execution such as lock tables to a remote server is decided by this.
  • Default Table Value: 1000000
  • DSN Parameter Name: prt


  • Description: Giving option for query cache when SQL(SELECT) is issued to remote server.
    • 0 It doesn't give it.
    • 1 The sql_cache is given.
    • 2 The sql_no_cache is given.
  • Default Table Value: 0
  • DSN Parameter Name: qch


  • Description: Calculation rate to calculate the time required when index scanning is executed.
  • Default Table Value: 0.0002
  • DSN Parameter Name: rrt


  • Description: Calculation rate to calculate the time required when table scanning is executed.
  • Default Table Value: 0.0001
  • DSN Parameter Name: srt


  • Description: Server name when connection information generated with create server is used.
  • Default Table Value: none
  • DSN Parameter Name: srv


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