Starting with catalogs

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mariadb-install-db initializes the MariaDB data directory and creates the system tables in the mysql database.

When used with the --catalog options it will initialize MariaDB server to use catalogs. The mariadbd server will automatically discover if catalogs are used or not.

Note that one cannot change a 'normal server' to a server with catalogs or a server with catalogs to a 'normal server'. In the future we will add tools that will allow one to easily move an existing server inside a catalog or move an server inside a catalog to a standalone server.

Initializing a new server with catalog support

To initialize a server with 4 catalogs (the def catalog, that holds the catalog root user (CRU) is automatically created):

mariadb_install_db --catalogs="cat1 cat2 cat3" --datadir=/my/data/

The above will create a directory /my/data and the 4 directories under it, one for each catalog.

Adding more catalogs to a running server

When adding more catalogs to an existing server, mariadb_install_db will start the mariadb client to execute the needed commands on the running server. This is why one has to supply user and password to mariadb_install_db.

mariadb_install_db --catalogs="cat4 cat5 cat6" --datadir=/my/data --catalog-user=monty --catalog-password

See also


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