Row Subqueries

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A row subquery is a subquery returning a single row, as opposed to a scalar subquery, which returns a single column from a row, or a literal.


CREATE TABLE staff (name VARCHAR(10), age TINYINT);

CREATE TABLE customer (name VARCHAR(10), age TINYINT);

INSERT INTO staff VALUES ('Bilhah',37), ('Valerius',61), ('Maia',25);

INSERT INTO customer VALUES ('Thanasis',48), ('Valerius',61), ('Brion',51);

SELECT * FROM staff WHERE (name,age) = (SELECT name,age FROM customer WHERE name='Valerius');
| name     | age  |
| Valerius |   61 |

Finding all rows in one table also in another:

SELECT name,age FROM staff WHERE (name,age) IN (SELECT name,age FROM customer);
| name     | age  |
| Valerius |   61 |


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