System Variable Differences Between MariaDB Rolling and MySQL 8.0

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The following is a comparison of variables that either appear only in MariaDB Rolling or MySQL 8.0, or have different default settings in MariaDB Rolling, and MySQL 8.0. The releases MariaDB 11.7.0 and MySQL 8.0.39, with only default plugins enabled, were used for the comparison. Note that MySQL 8 is an 'evergreen' release, so features may be added or removed in later releases.

For a more complete list of differences, see Incompatibilities and Feature Differences Between MariaDB Rolling and MySQL 8.0 and Function Differences Between MariaDB Rolling and MySQL 8.0

Comparison Table

<<style class="darkheader-nospace-borders" style="font-size:0.8em">>
|= Variable |= MariaDB 11.7 Default |= MySQL 8.0 Default |= Notes|
| activate_all_roles_on_login | - | OFF | Determines whether to automatically activate [[roles]] on login.  |
| admin* | - | * |  MySQL admin connections. |
| [[server-system-variables#allow_suspicious_udfs|allow_suspicious_udfs]] | 0 | - | Only available as an option in MySQL. |
| [[server-system-variables#alter_algorithm|alter_algorithm]] | DEFAULT | - | MariaDB 10.3 introduced new [[alter-table/#algorithm|ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM]] clauses to avoid slow copies in certain instances. This variable allows setting this if no ##ALGORITHM## clause is specified.
| [[server-system-variables#analyze_sample_percentage|analyze_sample_percentage]] | 100.0000 | - | Percentage of rows from the table [[analyze-table|ANALYZE TABLE]] will sample to collect table statistics. |
| [[aria-system-variables|aria_*]] | * | - | The Aria storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| authentication_policy | - | *,, | MySQL authentication policy. |
| auto_generate_certs | - | ON | Whether to automatically generate SSL key and certificate files. 
| avoid_temporal_upgrade | - | OFF | Determines whether ALTER TABLE implicitly upgrades temporal columns. |
| [[server-system-variables/#back_log|back_log]] | Autosized | Autosized | MariaDB and MySQL have different autosizing algorithms. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_alter_two_phase|binlog_alter_two_phase]] | OFF | - | When set, split ALTER at binary logging into two statements: START ALTER and COMMIT/ROLLBACK ALTER.  |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_annotate_row_events|binlog_annotate_row_events]] | ON | - | Introduced in MariaDB 5.3 for [[replication|replicating]] between MariaDB 5.3 and MySQL/MariaDB 5.1. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_do_db|binlog_do_db]] | NULL | - | A system variable as well as an option in MariaDB 11. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#binlog_commit_wait_count|binlog_commit_wait_count]] | 0 | - | For use in MariaDB's [[parallel-replication|parallel replication]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#binlog_commit_wait_usec|binlog_commit_wait_usec]] | 100000 | - | For use in MariaDB's [[parallel-replication|parallel replication]]. |
| binlog_encryption | - | OFF | MySQL name for [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#encrypt_binlog|encrypt_binlog]]. | 
| binlog_error_action |  | ABORT_SERVER | MySQL-only variable for controlling what happens when the server cannot write to the binary log. |
| binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge | - | ON | Enables or disables automatic purging of binary log files. | 
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_expire_logs_seconds|binlog_expire_logs_seconds]] | 0 | 2592000 | Sets the binary log expiration period in seconds
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#binlog_file_cache_size|binlog_file_cache_size]] | 16184 | - | For setting the  size of the file cache for the [[binary-log|binary log]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#binlog_format|binlog_format]] | MIXED | ROW | MariaDB and MySQL have differing [[binary-log-formats|binary log formats]]. |
| binlog_group_commit_sync_delay | | 0 | MySQL-only variable for controlling the wait time before synchronizing the binary log file to disk. |
| binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count | | 0 | MySQL-only variable for setting the maximum number of transactions to wait for before aborting the current ##binlog_group_commit_sync_delay## delay. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_gtid_index|binlog_gtid_index]] | ON | - | MariaDB has [[gtid/#binlog-indexing|binlog indexing]], which speeds up the finding GTIDs |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_gtid_index_page_size|binlog_gtid_index_page_size]] | 4096 | - | MariaDB has [[gtid/#binlog-indexing|binlog indexing]], which speeds up the finding GTIDs |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_gtid_index_span_min|binlog_gtid_index_span_min]] | 65536 | - | MariaDB has [[gtid/#binlog-indexing|binlog indexing]], which speeds up the finding GTIDs |
| binlog_gtid_simple_recovery | - | ON | MySQL-only GTID variable. MariaDB's [[gtid|GTID]] implementation is different. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_ignore_db|binlog_ignore_db]] | NULL | - | A system variable as well as an option in MariaDB 11. |
| binlog_max_flush_queue_time | - | 0 | Specifies a timeout for reading transactions from the flush queue before continuing with group commit and syncing log to disk. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#binlog_optimize_thread_scheduling|binlog_optimize_thread_scheduling]] | ON | -  | For optimized kernel thread scheduling. |
| binlog_order_commits | - | ON | Determines whether transactions may be committed in parallel. |
| binlog_rotate_encryption_master_key_at_startup | - | OFF | Specifically for use with MySQL binary key encryption. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_row_metadata|binlog_row_metadata]] | NO_LOG | MINIMAL | Determines the amount of table metadata added to the binary log with row-based logging. |
| binlog_row_value_options | - | (empty) | Permits an alternative binlog format for JSON document updates. |
| binlog_rows_query_log_events  | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable for logging extra information in row-based logging. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#binlog_space_limit|binlog_space_limit]]  | 0 | - | Alias for [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#max_binlog_total_size|max_binlog_total_size]]. |
| binlog_transaction_compression* | - | * | MySQL variables relating to binary log compression. |
| binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size | - | 25000 | Maximum number of row hashes kept for looking up transactions that last modified a given row. |
| binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking | - | COMMIT_ORDER | For determining how to best use the slave's multithreaded applier. |
| caching_sha2_password* | - | * | For use with MySQL's SHA-256 authentication with caching.
| [[server-system-variables#character_set_client|character_set_*]] | latin1 or utf8 | utf8mb4 | MySQL 8.0 defaults to the utf8mb4 [[character-sets|character set]].
| [[server-system-variables/#character_set_collations|character_set_collations]] | Empty | - | Overrides for character set default collations. |
| [[server-system-variables/#check_constraint_checks|check_constraint_checks]] | ON | - | Permits disabling constraint checks, for example when loading a table that violates some constraints that you plan to fix later. |
| check_proxy_users | | OFF | MySQL-only variable for controlling whether the server performs proxy user mapping for authentication plugins. |
| [[server-system-variables#collation_connection|collation_*]] | latin1_swedish_ci or utf8_general_ci | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci | MySQL 8.0 defaults to the utf8mb4 [[character-sets|character set]].
| [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression#column_compression_threshold|column_compression_threshold]] | 100 | - | MariaDB supports [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression|Storage-engine Independent Column Compression]]. |
| [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression#column_compression_zlib_level|column_compression_zlib_level]] | 6 | - | MariaDB supports [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression|Storage-engine Independent Column Compression]]. |
| [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression#column_compression_zlib_strategy|column_compression_zlib_strategy]] | DEFAULT_STRATEGY | - | MariaDB supports [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression|Storage-engine Independent Column Compression]]. |
| [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression#column_compression_zlib_wrap|column_compression_zlib_wrap]] | OFF | - | MariaDB supports [[storage-engine-independent-column-compression|Storage-engine Independent Column Compression]]. |
| connection_memory_chunk_size | - | 8192 | Chunk size for updates to the Global_connection_memory counter. | 
| connection_memory_limit | - | 18446744073709551615 | Maximum memory for a single user connection. |
| create_admin_listener_thread | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable for whether to use a dedicated listening thread for admin network interface connections. |
| cte_max_recursion_depth | - | 1000 | When MySQL 8.0 introduced [[common-table-expressions|common table expressions]] they used a different name. MariaDB's variable is called [[server-system-variables#max_recursive_iterations|max_recursive_iterations]].
| [[aria-system-variables#deadlock_search_depth_long|deadlock_search_depth_long]] | 15 | - | The Aria storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| [[aria-system-variables#deadlock_search_depth_short|deadlock_search_depth_short]] | 4 | - | The Aria storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| [[aria-system-variables#deadlock_timeout_long|deadlock_timeout_long]] | 50000000 | - | The Aria storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| [[aria-system-variables#deadlock_timeout_short|deadlock_timeout_short]] | 10000 | - | The Aria storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| [[server-system-variables#debug_no_thread_alarm|debug_no_thread_alarm]] | OFF | - | Disable system thread alarm calls, for debugging or testing. |
| default_authentication_plugin | - | caching_sha2_password | MySQL 8 introduced a new authentication plugin.
| default_collation_for_utf8mb4 | - | utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci | For internal use in MySQL 8 replication.
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#default_master_connection|default_master_connection]] | empty | - | For use with MariaDB's [[multi-source-replication|multi-source replication]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#default_password_lifetime|default_password_lifetime]] | 0 | 360 | MariaDB defaults to password expiration off. | 
| [[server-system-variables#default_regex_flags|default_regex_flags]] | empty | - | For handling incompatibilities between MariaDB's [[pcre-regular-expressions|PCRE]] and the old regex library. |
| [[server-system-variables#default_tmp_storage_engine|default_tmp_storage_engine]] | empty | InnoDB | Default storage engine used for tables created with [[create-table|CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE]]. |
| disabled_storage_engines | | empty | MySQL-only variable for disabling specific storage engines. |
| [[server-system-variables#disconnect_on_expired_password|disconnect_on_expired_password]] | OFF | ON | MariaDB password expiration is off by default, and by default does not disconnect a client when a password has expired. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#encrypt_binlog|encrypt_binlog]] | OFF | - | MariaDB enables [[data-at-rest-encryption|table and tablespace encryption]].  |
| [[server-system-variables#encrypt_tmp_files|encrypt_tmp_files]] | OFF | - | MariaDB enables [[data-at-rest-encryption|table and tablespace encryption]].  |
| [[server-system-variables#encrypt_tmp_disk_tables|encrypt_tmp_disk_tables]] | OFF | - | MariaDB enables [[data-at-rest-encryption|table and tablespace encryption]]. |
| end_markers_in_json | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable for adding end markers to JSON output. |
| enforce_gtid_consistency | - | OFF | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#enforce_storage_engine|enforce_storage_engine]] | none | | Forces the use of a particular storage engine for new tables. |
| [[server-system-variables#eq_range_index_dive_limit|eq_range_index_dive_limit]] | 0 | 200 | Variable for tuning when the optimizer should switch from using index dives to index statistics for qualifying rows estimation. |
| [[server-system-variables#event_scheduler|event_scheduler]] | OFF | ON | MySQL enables the event scheduler by default.
| [[server-system-variables#expensive_subquery_limit|expensive_subquery_limit]] | 100 | - | Used for determining expensive queries for optimization. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#extra_max_connections|extra_max_connections]] | 1 | - | Introduced in the [[thread-pool-in-mariadb-51-53|MariaDB 5.1 threadpool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#extra_port|extra_port]] | 0 | - | Introduced in the [[thread-pool-in-mariadb-51-53|MariaDB 5.1 threadpool]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#group_concat_max_len|group_concat_max_len]] | 1048576 | 1024 | MariaDB increases the maximum length for a [[group_concat|GROUP_CONCAT()]] result from 1K to 1M.
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_binlog_pos|gtid_binlog_pos]] | empty | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_binlog_state|gtid_binlog_state]] | empty | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[gtid/#gtid_cleanup_batch_size|gtid_cleanup_batch_size]] | 64 | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_current_pos|gtid_current_pos]] | empty | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_domain_id|gtid_domain_id]] | 0 | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| gtid_executed | - | empty | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| gtid_executed_compression_period | - | 1000 | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_ignore_duplicates|gtid_ignore_duplicates]] | OFF | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| gtid_mode | - | OFF | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| gtid_next | - | AUTOMATIC | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| gtid_owned | - | empty | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[gtid#gtid_pos_auto_engines|gtid_pos_auto_engines]] | empty | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]].
| gtid_purged | - | empty | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_seq_no|gtid_seq_no]] | 0 | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_slave_pos|gtid_slave_pos]] | empty | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[global-transaction-id#gtid_strict_mode|gtid_strict_mode]] | OFF | - | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#have_crypt|have_crypt]] | YES | - | MySQL has removed the [[encrypt|ENCRYPT]] function. 
| [[ssl-system-variables#have_openssl|have_openssl]] | | | MariaDB's version indicates whether YaSSL or openssl was used. MySQL's is a synonym for ##have_ssl##. |
| [[server-system-variables#have_query_cache|have_query_cache]] | YES | - | MySQL has removed the [[query-cache|query cache]]. 
| have_statement_timeout | - | | Whether MySQL's statement execution timeout feature is available. |
| [[server-system-variables#have_symlink|have_symlink]] | YES | DISABLED | MySQL has removed symlink support.
| histogram_generation_max_mem_size | - | 20000000 | Added when MySQL 8 introduced [[histogram-based-statistics|Histogram-based Statistics]]. MariaDB uses [[server-system-variables#histogram_size|histogram_size]] |
| [[server-system-variables#histogram_size|histogram_size]] | 0 | - | MariaDB introduced [[histogram-based-statistics|Histogram-based Statistics]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#histogram_type|histogram_type]] | JSON_HB | - | MariaDB introduced [[histogram-based-statistics|Histogram-based Statistics]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#idle_readonly_transaction_timeout|idle_readonly_transaction_timeout]] | 0 | - | Time in seconds that the server waits for idle read-only transactions. |
| [[server-system-variables#idle_transaction_timeout|idle_transaction_timeout]] | 0 | - | Time in seconds that the server waits for idle transactions. |
| [[server-system-variables#idle_write_transaction_timeout|idle_write_transaction_timeout]] | 0 | - | Time in seconds that the server waits for idle write transactions. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#ignore_builtin_innodb|ignore_builtin_innodb]] | OFF | - | Ignored and removed in MySQL 8. |
| [[server-system-variables/#in_predicate_conversion_threshold|in_predicate_conversion_threshold]] | 1000 | - | Controls the [[conversion-of-big-in-predicates-into-subqueries|Conversion of Big IN Predicates Into Subqueries]] optimization. |
| [[server-system-variables#in_transaction|in_transaction]] | 0 | - | Set to ##1## if you are in a transaction, and ##0## if not. |
| information_schema_stats_expiry | - | 86400 | Time until MySQL Information Schema cached statistics expire.
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm|innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm]] | 10.000000 | 10 | Adaptive flushing is enabled when this this low water mark percentage of the redo log capacity is reached. MariaDB's variable is a [[double]], MySQL's an [[int|integer]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_adaptive_hash_index|innodb_adaptive_hash_index]] | OFF | ON | Defaulting to OFF is a performance improvement especially for [[drop-table|DROP TABLE]], [[truncate-table|TRUNCATE TABLE]], [[alter-table|ALTER TABLE]], or [[drop-index|DROP INDEX]] operations |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay|innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay]] | - | 150000 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_alter_copy_bulk|innodb_alter_copy_bulk]] | ON | - | Allow bulk insert operation for copy alter operation. |
| innodb_api_* | - | * | Specific to MySQL's memcached, removed in MariaDB 10.2.
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_autoinc_lock_mode|innodb_autoinc_lock_mode]] | 1 | 2 | MariaDB has an extra mode, ##3##, for skipping the rollback of connected transactions. MySQL defaults to row-based replication, so can safely use ##2##. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_buffer_pool_instances|innodb_buffer_pool_instances]] | - | 1 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6 since the original reasons for introducing no longer apply. |
| innodb_change* |  | * | The [[innodb-change-buffering|InnoDB Change Buffer]] was removed in MariaDB 11.0. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_checksum_algorithm|innodb_checksum_algorithm]] | full_crc32 | crc32 | ##fullcrc32## permits encryption to be supported over a SPATIAL INDEX, which crc32 does not support. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_commit_concurrency|innodb_commit_concurrency]] | - | 0 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_compression_algorithm|innodb_compression_*]] | * | - | Introduced with MariaDB's [[compression|InnoDB compression]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_concurrency_tickets|innodb_concurrency_tickets]] | - | 5000 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_deadlock_report|innodb_deadlock_report]] | Full | - | How to report deadlocks. |
| innodb_dedicated_server | - | OFF | MySQL option that automatically configures various settings if the server is a dedicated InnoDB database server. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_default_encryption_key_id|innodb_default_encryption_key_id]] | 1 | - | Default encryption key id used for table encryption. See [[data-at-rest-encryption|Data at Rest Encryption]]. |
| innodb_directories | - | (empty) | Used to search for tablespace files when moving or restoring a new location. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_disallow_writes|innodb_disallow_writes]] | OFF | - | Tell InnoDB to stop any writes to disk. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_encrypt_log|innodb_encrypt_*]] | 1 | - | See MariaDB's [[data-at-rest-encryption|Data at Rest Encryption]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold|innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold]] | 600 | - | MariaDB's fatal semaphore timeout is configurable. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_flush_method|innodb_flush_method]] | O_DIRECT | fsync | MariaDB InnoDB flushing method by default on Unix systems bypasses the file system cache for improved performance in most cases. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_flush_neighbors|innodb_flush_neighbors]] | 1 | 0 | MySQL 8 by default now assumes the use of an SSD device. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_force_primary_key|innodb_force_primary_key]] | OFF | - | If set to 1 in MariaDB (0 is default) CREATE TABLEs without a primary or unique key where all keyparts are NOT NULL will not be accepted, and will return an error. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_immediate_scrub_data_uncompressed|innodb_immediate_scrub_data_uncompressed]] | OFF | - | MariaDB has support for [[xtradb-innodb-data-scrubbing|data scrubbing]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_instant_alter_column_allowed|innodb_instant_alter_column_allowed]] | add_drop_reorder | - | See [[instant-add-column-for-innodb|Instant ADD COLUMN for InnoDB]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_log_checksums|innodb_log_checksums]] | - | ON | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6, as there is no reason to allow checksums to be disabled on the redo log. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_log_compressed_pages|innodb_log_compressed_pages]] | - | ON | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6 as part of the InnoDB redo log performance improvements. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_log_files_in_group|innodb_log_files_in_group]] | - | 2 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6 as part of the InnoDB redo log performance improvements. |
| innodb_log_spin_wait_delay | 0 | - | Delay between log buffer spin lock polls. |
| innodb_log_spin_* | - | * | MySQL variables for constraining CPU usage while waiting for flushed redo. |
| innodb_log_wait_for_flush_spin_hwm | - | * | MySQL variable for constraining CPU usage while waiting for flushed redo. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct|innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct]] | 75 | 90 | MySQL 8 increased the default to 90. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm|innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm]] | 0 | 10 | MySQL 8 increased the default to 10. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_max_undo_log_size|innodb_max_undo_log_size]] | 10485760 | 1073741824 | MariaDB 10.2 reduced the limit for when an undo tablespace is marked for truncation. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_open_files|innodb_open_files]] | Autosized (2000) | Autosized (4000) | In most systems, autosized based on the [[server-system-variables#table_open_cache|table_open_cache]] setting, which differs between MariaDB and MySQL. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_page_cleaners|innodb_page_cleaners]] | - | 1 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6 as the original reasons for for splitting the buffer pool have mostly gone away. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization|innodb_prefix_index_cluster_optimization]] | OFF | - | MariaDB includes the Facebook prefix index queries optimization. |
| innodb_print_ddl_logs | - | OFF | MySQL option for writing DDL logs to stderr. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_purge_batch_size|innodb_purge_batch_size]] | 1000 | 300 | Increased to 1000 in MariaDB after benchmarking found this value to help reduce purge lag without having a significant impact on workload throughput. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_read_only_compressed|innodb_read_only_compressed]] | ON | - | Whether to set [[innodb-compressed-row-format|ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED]] tables to read-only. |
| innodb_redo_log_encrypt | - | OFF | MySQL 8 has also now introduced redo log encryption, but used a different name. The equivalent option in MariaDB is [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_encrypt_log|innodb_encrypt_log]]. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_replication_delay|innodb_replication_delay]] | - | 0 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_rollback_segments|innodb_rollback_segments]]| - | 128 | Removed in MariaDB as part of the InnoDB cleanup. It makes sense to always create and use the maximum number of rollback segments. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_spin_wait_delay|innodb_spin_wait_delay]] | 4 | 6 | MariaDB changed the default from 6 to 4 based on extensive benchmarking. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_stats_modified_counter|innodb_stats_modified_counter]] | 0 | - | MariaDB option to control the calculation of new statistics. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_stats_traditional|innodb_stats_traditional]] | ON | - | Enabling gives a larger sample of pages for larger tables for the purposes of index statistics calculation. |
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_sync_array_size|innodb_sync_array_size]] | - | 1 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_thread_concurrency|innodb_thread_concurrency]] | - | 0 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_thread_sleep_delay|innodb_thread_sleep_delay]] | - | 10000 | Deprecated and ignored in MariaDB 10.5 and removed in MariaDB 10.6. | 
| [[innodb-system-variables/#innodb_truncate_temporary_tablespace_now|innodb_truncate_temporary_tablespace_now]] | OFF | - | MariaDB option for shrinking the temporary tablespace. | 
| innodb_undo_log_encrypt | - | OFF |  MySQL option for encrypting undo logs residing in separate undo tablespaces. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_undo_log_truncate|innodb_undo_log_truncate]] | OFF | ON |  MySQL 8 changes the default to ON, marking larger undo logs for truncation. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_undo_tablespaces|innodb_undo_tablespaces]] | 3 | 2 | Number of tablespace files used for dividing up the undo logs. MySQL 8 has deprecated this setting, and increased the default (and minimum) to 2. |
| [[innodb-system-variables#innodb_use_atomic_writes|innodb_use_atomic_writes]] | ON | - | [[atomic-write-support|Atomic writes]] are a faster alternative to innodb_doublewrite and MariaDB automatically detects when supporting SSD cards are used. |
| internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine | - | INNODB | MySQL uses this variable to set the storage engine for on-disk internal temporary tables. |
| internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine | - | TEMPTABLE | MySQL and MariaDB use different formats for temporary tables. In MariaDB, the [[aria-system-variables/#aria_used_for_temp_tables|aria_used_for_temp_tables]] performs a similar function. |
| [[server-system-variables#join_buffer_space_limit|join_buffer_space_limit]] | 2097152 | - | Maximum size in bytes of the query buffer. See [[block-based-join-algorithms#size-of-join-buffers|block-based join algorithms]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#join_cache_level|join_cache_level]] | 2 | - | For determining the join algorithms. See [[block-based-join-algorithms|block-based join algorithms]] |
| [[myisam-system-variables#key_buffer_size|key_buffer_size]] | 134217728 | 8388608 | Size of the buffer for the index blocks used by MyISAM tables and shared for all threads. |
| [[myisam-system-variables#key_cache_file_hash_size|key_cache_file_hash_size]] | 512 | - | Number of hash buckets for open and changed files. |
| [[myisam-system-variables#key_cache_segments|key_cache_segments]] | 0 | - | The number of segments in a key cache. See [[segmented-key-cache|Segmented Key Cache]]. |
| keyring_operations | - | ON | Whether MySQL 8's keyring operations are enabled. |
| [[gtid#last_gtid|last_gtid]] | - | empty | MariaDB and MySQL have different [[global-transaction-id|GTID implementations]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#local_infile|local_infile]] | ON | OFF | MySQL no longer supports LOAD DATA LOCAL by default. |
| [[server-system-variables#lock_wait_timeout|lock_wait_timeout]] | 86400 | 31536000 | MariaDB has reduced the timeout for acquiring metadata locks. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables/#log_bin|log_bin]] | OFF | ON | MySQL 8 enables the [[binary-log|binary log]] by default. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables/#log_bin_compress|log_bin_compress]] | OFF | - | MariaDB setting for whether or not the [[binary-log|binary log]] can be compressed. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables/#log_bin_compress_min_len|log_bin_compress_min_len]] | 256 | - | Minimum length of sql statement (in statement mode) or record (in row mode) that can be compressed. See [[compressing-events-to-reduce-size-of-the-binary-log|Compressing Events to Reduce Size of the Binary Log]]. |
| log_bin_use_v1_row_events | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable showing whether or not MySQL's version 2 binary logging format is being used. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_disabled_statements|log_disabled_statements]] | sp | - | Disable logging of certain statements to the [[general-query-log|general log]]. |
| log_error_services | - | log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal | Components to enable for MySQL error logging. |
| log_error_verbosity | - | 3 | MySQL variable for setting verbosity of error, warning, and note messages in the error log. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#log_slave_updates|log_slave_updates]] | OFF | ON | MySQL 8 has by default enabled [[binary-log|binary logging]] of updates a slave receives from a master. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_slow_admin_statements|log_slow_admin_statements]] | ON | OFF | MariaDB logs slow admin statements to the [[slow-query-log|slow query log]] by default. |
| [[log_slow_always_query_time-system-variable|log_slow_always_query_time]] | 31536000.000000 | - | Queries slower than log_slow_always_query_time are not affected by [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_rate_limit|log_slow_rate_limit]] or [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_min_examined_row_limit|log_slow_min_examined_row_limit]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_slow_disabled_statements|log_slow_disabled_statements]] | admin,call,slave,sp | - | Disable logging of certain statements to the [[slow-query-log|slow query log]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_slow_filter|log_slow_filter]] | admin, filesort, filesort_on_disk, full_join, full_scan, query_cache, query_cache_miss, tmp_table, tmp_table_on_disk | - | For slow query log filtering. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_slow_rate_limit|log_slow_rate_limit]] | 1 | - | Limits the number of queries logged to the [[slow-query-log|slow query log]]. |
| [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_min_examined_row_limit|log_slow_min_examined_row_limit]] | 0 | - | Previously named [[server-system-variables/#min_examined_row_limit|min_examined_row_limit]] (still an alias). |
| [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_query|log_slow_query]] | 0 | - | Previously named [[server-system-variables/#slow_query_log|log_slow_query]] (still an alias). |
| [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_query_file|log_slow_query_file]] | host_name-slow.log | - | Previously named [[server-system-variables/#slow_query_log_file|slow_query_log_file]] (still an alias). |
| [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_query_time|log_slow_query_time]] | 10.000000 | - | Previously named [[server-system-variables/#long_query_time|long_query_time]] (still an alias). |
| [[server-system-variables/#log_slow_max_warnings|log_slow_max_warnings]] | 10 | - | Max numbers of warnings printed to slow query log per statement. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#log_slow_slave_statements|log_slow_slave_statements]] | ON | OFF | MariaDB logs slow slave statements to the [[slow-query-log|slow query log]] by default. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_slow_verbosity|log_slow_verbosity]] | empty | - | Controls information to be added to the [[slow-query-log|slow query log]]. See also [[slow-query-log-extended-statistics|Slow Query Log Extended Statistics]]. |
| log_statements_unsafe_for_binlog | - | ON | MySQL setting for controlling whether binlog warnings are written to the error log. |
| log_syslog* | platform-dependent | - | MySQL variables with settings for writing to syslog. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_tc_size|log_tc_size]] | 24576 | - | Size in bytes of the transaction coordinator log, defined in multiples of 4096. |
| log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes | - | 0 | MySQL-only variable for limiting the number of statements without indexes written to the slow query log. |
| log_timestamps | - | UTC | MySQL-only variable controlling the timezone for certain logging conditions. |
| [[server-system-variables#log_warnings|log_warnings]] | 2 | - | MySQL 8 has replaced with ##log_error_verbosity##. |
| mandatory_roles | - | (empty) | MySQL variable for assigning [[roles]] to all users. |
| master_info_repository | - | TABLE | Whether slave logs master status and connection info to a table or a file.  |
| [[server-system-variables#max_allowed_packet|max_allowed_packet]] | 16M | 64M |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#max_binlog_total_size|max_binlog_total_size]] | 0 | - | MariaDB variable for limiting the binlog size. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_error_count|max_error_count]] | 64 | 1024 | Specifies the maximum number of messages stored for display by [[show-errors|SHOW ERRORS]] and [[show-warnings|SHOW WARNINGS]] statements.
| max_execution_time | - | 0 | MySQL renamed the ##max_statement_time## variable. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_length_for_sort_data|max_length_for_sort_data]] | 64 | 1024 | Used to decide which algorithm to choose when sorting rows. If the total size of the column data, not including columns that are part of the sort, is less than max_length_for_sort_data, then these are added to the sort key. This can speed up the sort as there's no need to re-read the same row again later. Setting the value too high can slow things down as there will be a higher disk activity for doing the sort. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_password_errors|max_password_errors]] | 4294967295 | - | Maximum number of failed connections attempts before no more are permitted. |
| max_points_in_geometry | - | 65536 | Maximum points_per_circle for MySQL's ST_Buffer_Strategy() function.  |
| [[server-system-variables#max_recursive_iterations|max_recursive_iterations]] | 4294967295 | - | Maximum number of iterations when executing recursive queries. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#max_relay_log_size|max_relay_log_size]] | 1073741824 | 0 | Can be set by session in MariaDB. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_seeks_for_key|max_seeks_for_key]] | 4294967295 | 4294967295 (32-bit) or 18446744073709547520 (64-bit) | The most key seeks required when searching with an index, regardless of the actual index cardinality. If this value is set lower than its default and maximum, indexes will tend to be preferred over table scans. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_session_mem_used|max_session_mem_used]] | 9223372036854775807 | - | Amount of memory a single user session is allowed to allocate. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_statement_time|max_statement_time]] | 0 | - | Maximum time in seconds that a query can execute before being aborted. MySQL used to have a variable of this name before renaming it ##max_execution_time##. |
| [[max_tmp_session_space_usage-system-variable|max_tmp_session_space_usage]] | 1099511627776 | - | The maximum total size of temporary file and temporary table usage. |
| [[max_tmp_total_space_usage-system-variable|max_tmp_total_space_usage]] | 1099511627776 | - | The maximum total size in bytes of all temporary file and temporary table usage over all connections. |
| [[server-system-variables#max_write_lock_count|max_write_lock_count]] | 4294967295 | 4294967295 (32-bit) or 18446744073709547520 (64-bit) | Read lock requests will be permitted for processing after this many write locks. |
| [[vector-system-variables|mhnsw*]] | Various | - | MariaDB includes [[vectors|vector search]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#mrr_buffer_size|mrr_buffer_size]] | 262144 | - | Size of buffer to use when using multi-range read with range access. See [[multi-range-read-optimization#range-access|Multi Range Read optimization]]. |
| [[myisam-system-variables#myisam_block_size|myisam_block_size]] | 1024 | - | Block size used for [[myisam|MyISAM]] index pages. |
| [[myisam-system-variables#myisam_recover_options|myisam_recover_options]] | BACKUP,QUICK | OFF | MyISAM recovery mode. |
| [[myisam-system-variables#myisam_sort_buffer_size|myisam_sort_buffer_size]] | 134216704 | 8388608 | Size in bytes of the buffer allocated when creating or sorting indexes on a MyISAM table.  |
| mysql_native_password_proxy_users | - | OFF | Whether MySQL's authentication plugin supports proxy users. I
| [[myisam-system-variables#mysql56_temporal_format|mysql56_temporal_format]] | ON | | Causes MariaDB to use the MySQL-5.6 low level formats for [[time|TIME]], [[datetime|DATETIME]] and [[timestamp|TIMESTAMP]] instead of the MariaDB 5.3+ version. |
| new | - | OFF | Used for backward-compatibility with MySQL 4.1, not present in MariaDB. |
| mysqlx+* | - | * | MySQL's X plugin related variables. |
| [[server-system-variables/#note_verbosity|note_verbosity]] | basic,explain | - | Verbosity level for note-warnings given to the user. |
| ngram_token_size | - | 2 | Sets the n-gram token size for MySQL's n-gram full-text parser. |
|offline_mode | - | OFF | MySQL settting for specifying whether the server should run in offline mode. | 
| [[server-system-variables#old_mode|old_mode]] | Empty string | - | Used for getting MariaDB to emulate behavior from an old version of MySQL or MariaDB. See [[old_mode|OLD Mode]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#old_passwords|old_passwords]] | OFF | - | MySQL 8 is no longer compatible with the old pre-MySQL 4.1 form of password hashing.  | 
| [[server-system-variables#optimizer_extra_pruning_depth|optimizer_extra_pruning_depth]] | 8 | - | If the optimizer needs to enumerate a join prefix of this size or larger, then it will try aggressively prune away the search space. |
| [[server-system-variables/#optimizer_join_limit_pref_ratio|optimizer_join_limit_pref_ratio]] | 0 | - | Controls the [[optimizer_join_limit_pref_ratio-optimization|optimizer_join_limit_pref_ratio optimization]]. |
| [[server-system-variables/#optimizer_max_sel_arg_weight|optimizer_max_sel_arg_weight]] | 32000 | - | The maximum weight of the SEL_ARG graph. |
| [[server-system-variables#optimizer_max_sel_args|optimizer_max_sel_args]] | 16000 | - | Maximum number of SEL_ARG objects created when optimizing a range. | 
| [[server-system-variables#optimizer_selectivity_sampling_limit|optimizer_selectivity_sampling_limit]] | 100 | - | Controls number of record samples to check condition selectivity. | 
| [[server-system-variables#optimizer_switch|optimizer_switch]] | [[server-system-variables#optimizer_switch|See details]] | | A series of flags for controlling the query optimizer. MariaDB has introduced a number of new settings. | 
| optimizer_trace_* | - | * | MySQL has more settings for optimizer tracing. |
| [[server-system-variables#optimizer_use_condition_selectivity|optimizer_use_condition_selectivity]] | 4 | - | Controls which statistics can be used by the optimizer when looking for the best query execution plan. |
| original_commit_timestamp | - | * | Used by MySQL 8 for [[delayed-replication|delaying replication]]. |
| parser_max_mem_size | - | 4294967295 (32-bit) or 18446744073709547520 (64-bit) | MySQL variable for limiting memory available to the parser. |
| password_* | - | * | Controls reuse of previous passwords in MySQL. |
| [[performance-schema-system-variables#performance_schema|performance_schema]] | OFF | ON | The [[performance-schema|Performance Schema]] is off by default in MariaDB. |
| [[performance-schema-system-variables|performance_schema_*]] |  |  | Many performance schema variables are autoset in MySQL, and MySQL has a different version, with additional variables. |
| [[server-system-variables#plugin_maturity|plugin_maturity]] | One less than the server maturity | - | Minimum acceptable plugin maturity. |
| [[server-system-variables#progress_report_time|progress_report_time]] | 5 | - | Time in seconds between sending progress reports to the client for time-consuming statements. |
| [[server-system-variables#proxy_protocol_networks|proxy_protocol_networks]] | (empty) | - | Enable [[proxy-protocol-support|proxy protocol]] for these source networks. |
| [[server-system-variables#query_alloc_block_size|query_alloc_block_size]] | 16384 | 8192 | Size in bytes of the extra blocks allocated during query parsing and execution (after query_prealloc_size is used up). |
| [[server-system-variables#query_cache_limit|query_cache_*]] | * | - | MySQL has removed the [[query-cache|query cache]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#query_prealloc_size|query_prealloc_size]] | 24576 | 8192 |  Size in bytes of the persistent buffer for query parsing and execution, allocated on connect and freed on disconnect. |
| range_optimizer_max_mem_size | - | 8388608 | MySQL-only variable setting a limit on the range optimizer's memory usage.|
| rbr_exec_mode | - | STRICT | MySQL-only variable for determining the handling of certain key errors. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#read_binlog_speed_limit|read_binlog_speed_limit]] | 0 | - | Permits restricting the speed at which the slave reads the binlog from the master. |
| regexp_* | - | * | Memory and time limits for regular expression matching operations. |
| relay_log_info_repository | - | TABLE | MySQL-only variable determining whether the slave's position in the relay logs is written to a file or table. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_annotate_row_events|replicate_annotate_row_events]] | ON | - | Tells the slave to reproduce annotate_rows_events received from the master in its own binary log. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_do_db|replicate_do_db]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]].  |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_do_table|replicate_do_table]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]].  |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_events_marked_for_skip|replicate_events_marked_for_skip]] | replicate | - | See [[selectively-skipping-replication-of-binlog-events|Selectively skipping replication of binlog events]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_ignore_db|replicate_ignore_db]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_ignore_table|replicate_ignore_table]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_rewrite_db|replicate_rewrite_db]] | empty string | - | Only available as an option in MySQL. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_wild_do_table|replicate_wild_do_table]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#replicate_wild_ignore_table|replicate_wild_ignore_table]] | empty string | - | See [[dynamic-replication-variables|Dynamic Replication Variables]]. |
| result_metadata | - | FULL | Determine whether the server returns result set metadata for connections where this is optional. |
| [[server-system-variables#rowid_merge_buff_size|rowid_merge_buff_size]] | 8388608 | - | See [[non-semi-join-subquery-optimizations|Non-semi-join subquery optimizations]]. |
| rpl_read_size | - | 8192 | Minimum data in bytes read from the binary and relay log files. |
| [[semisynchronous-replication/#system-variables|rpl_semi_sync_*]] | - | - | MariaDB includes [[semisynchronous-replication|semisynchronous replication]] without the need to install a plugin. |
| rpl_stop_slave_timeout | - | 31536000 | Controls the time that [[stop-slave|STOP SLAVE]] waits before timing out. |
| [[s3-storage-engine-system-variables|s3_*]] | * | - | The S3 storage engine is only available in MariaDB. |
| schema_definition_cache | - | 256 | Limits the number of schema definition objects kept in the dictionary object cache. |
| [[server-system-variables#secure_auth|secure_auth]] | ON | - | Removed in MySQL. |
| [[server-system-variables#secure_timestamp|secure_timestamp]] | NO | - | MariaDB-only option permitting the restricting of direct setting of a session timestamp..  |
| server_id_bits | - | server_id | MySQL-only variable for use in MySQL Cluster. |
| server_uuid | - | UUID | MySQL-only variable containing the UUID. |
| session_track_gtids | - | OFF | MySQL-only variables for tracking gtid changes. MariaDB and MySQL's gtid implementation is different. |
| [[server-system-variables/#session_track_system_variables|session_track_system_variables]] | autocommit, character_set_client, character_set_connection, character_set_results,  <<style3 style="color:green;">>redirect_url<</style3>>, time_zone | time_zone, autocommit, character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection | MariaDB supports [[server-system-variables/#redirect_url|connection redirection]]. |
| sha256_password_proxy_users | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable determining whether the sha256_password plugin supports proxy users. |
| show_create_table_verbosity | - | OFF | Option to cause [[show-create-table|SHOW CREATE TABLE]] to display ROW_FORMAT in all cases. |
| show_old_temporals | - | OFF | MySQL-only variable for determining whether SHOW CREATE TABLE output should include comments for old format temporal columns. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#skip_parallel_replication|skip_parallel_replication]] | OFF | - | See [[parallel-replication|parallel replication]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#skip_replication|skip_replication]] | OFF | - | See [[selectively-skipping-replication-of-binlog-events|Selectively skipping replication of binlog events]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#slave_abort_blocking_timeout|slave_abort_blocking_timeout]] | 31536000.000000 | - | Maximum time a replica DDL will wait for a blocking SELECT or other user query until that query will be aborted. |
| slave_allow_batching | - | OFF | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| slave_checkpoint_group | - | 512 | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| slave_checkpoint_period | - | 300 | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-system-variables/#slave_connections_needed_for_purge|slave_connections_needed_for_purge]] | 1 | - | Minimum number of connected replicas required for automatic binary log purge with [[#max_binlog_total_size|max_binlog_total_size]], [[#binlog_expire_logs_seconds|binlog_expire_logs_seconds]] or [[#expire_logs_days|expire_logs_days]]. | 
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_ddl_exec_mode|slave_ddl_exec_mode]] | IDEMPOTENT | - | Modes for how replication of DDL events should be executed. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_domain_parallel_threads|slave_domain_parallel_threads]] | 0 | - | For configuring [[parallel-replication/#configuration-variable-slave_domain_parallel_threads|parallel replication]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_net_timeout|slave_net_timeout]] | 3600 | 60 | MySQL reduced the timeout to 60s. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_parallel_max_queued|slave_parallel_max_queued]] | 131072 | - | For configuring [[parallel-replication/#configuration-variable-slave_domain_parallel_threads|parallel replication]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#skip_grant_tables|skip_grant_tables]] | 0 | - | Only available as an option in MySQL. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_max_statement_time|slave_max_statement_time]] | 0.000000 | - | MariaDB setting to abort a query that has taken more than this in seconds to run on the replica. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_parallel_mode|slave_parallel_mode]] | optimistic | - | Controls what transactions are applied in parallel when using [[parallel-replication|parallel_replication]]. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_parallel_threads|slave_parallel_threads]] | 0 | - | For configuring [[parallel-replication/#configuration-variable-slave_domain_parallel_threads|parallel replication]]. |
| slave_parallel_type | - | DATABASE | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| slave_pending_jobs_size_max | - | 16777216 | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| slave_preserve_commit_order | - | OFF | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| slave_rows_search_algorithms | - | INDEX_SCAN, HASH_SCAN | MySQL-only replication variable. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#slave_run_triggers_for_rbr|slave_run_triggers_for_rbr]] | NO | | See [[running-triggers-on-the-slave-for-row-based-events|Running triggers on the slave for Row-based events]] for a description and use-case for this setting. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables/#slave_transaction_retry_errors|slave_transaction_retry_errors]] | 1213,1205 | - | When an error occurs during a transaction on the slave, replication usually halts. By default, transactions that caused a deadlock or elapsed lock wait timeout will be retried. One can add other errors to the the list of errors that should be retried by adding a comma-separated list of error numbers to this variable. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables/#slave_transaction_retry_interval|slave_transaction_retry_interval]] | 0 | - | Interval in seconds for the slave SQL thread to retry a failed transaction due to a deadlock, elapsed lock wait timeout or an error listed in slave_transaction_retry_errors. |
| [[server-system-variables#sort_buffer_size|sort_buffer_size]] | 2097152 | 262144 | The default sort buffer allocated has been reduced in MySQL. |
| [[server-system-variables#sql_if_exists|sql_if_exists]] | OFF | - | Adds an implicit IF EXISTS to ALTER, RENAME and DROP of TABLES, VIEWS, FUNCTIONS and PACKAGES |
| ssl_fips_mode | - | OFF | Whether FIPS mode is enabled on the server side. Deprecated in MySQL. |
| [[server-system-variables#standard_compliant_cte|standard_compliant_cte]] | ON | - | See [[common-table-expressions|Common Table Expressions]].
| [[server-system-variables#storage_engine|storage_engine]] | InnoDB | - | Alias for [[server-system-variables#default_storage_engine|default_storage_engine]], removed in MySQL. |
| [[server-system-variables#strict_password_validation|strict_password_validation]] | ON | - | In MariaDB, when password validation plugins are enabled, reject passwords that cannot be validated (passwords specified as a hash). |
| stored_program_definition_cache | - | 256 | Limits the number of stored program definition objects kept in the dictionary object cache. |
| super_read_only | - | OFF | MySQL variable for prohibiting client updates from users with the SUPER privilege. |
| [[replication-and-binary-log-server-system-variables#sync_binlog|sync_binlog]] | 0 | 1 | MySQL synchronizes all actions to the binary log before they are committed. |
| [[server-system-variables#sync_frm|sync_frm]] | 1 | - | .frm files have been removed in MySQL. |
| [[system-versioned-tables/#system_versioning_alter_history|system_versioning_alter_history]] | ERROR |  - | MariaDB has [[system-versioned-tables|System-Versioned Tables]] |
| [[system-versioned-tables/#system_versioning_asof|system_versioning_asof]] | DEFAULT |  - | MariaDB has [[system-versioned-tables|System-Versioned Tables]] |
| [[system-versioned-tables/#system_versioning_insert_history|system_versioning_insert_history]] | OFF |  - | MariaDB has [[system-versioned-tables|System-Versioned Tables]] |
| [[server-system-variables#table_definition_cache|table_definition_cache]] | 400 | -1 (autosized) | Number of table definitions that can be cached.  |
| [[server-system-variables#table_open_cache_instances|table_open_cache_instances]] | 8 | 16 |Maximum number of table cache instances. |
| tablespace_definition_cache | - | 256 | Limits the number of tablespace definition objects kept in the dictionary object cache. |
| [[server-system-variables/#tcp_keepalive_interval|tcp_keepalive_interval]] | 0 | - | Interval, in seconds, between when successive keep-alive packets are sent if no acknowledgement is received. |
| [[server-system-variables/#tcp_keepalive_probes|tcp_keepalive_probes]] | 0 | - | Number of unacknowledged probes to send before considering the connection dead and notifying the application layer. |
| [[server-system-variables/#tcp_keepalive_time|tcp_keepalive_time]] | 0 | - | Set the TCP_NODELAY option (disable Nagle's algorithm) on socket. |
| [[server-system-variables/#tcp_nodelay|tcp_nodelay]] | 1 | - | Timeout, in milliseconds, with no activity until the first TCP keep-alive packet is sent. |
| temptable_max_ram | - | 1GB | Limits the RAM used by MySQL's TempTable storage engine. |
| [[server-system-variables#thread_cache_size|thread_cache_size]] | Autosized | -1 (autosized) | MariaDB uses an [[threadpool-in-55|improved thread pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-status-variables/#thread_pool_dedicated_listener|thread_pool_dedicated_listener]] | 0 | - | Better precision for the data in the [[information-schema-threadpool_queues-table|Information Schema THREADPOOL_QUEUES Table]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-status-variables/#thread_pool_exact_stats|thread_pool_exact_stats]] | 0 | - | Better precision for the data in the [[information-schema-threadpool_queues-table|Information Schema THREADPOOL_QUEUES Table]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_idle_timeout|thread_pool_idle_timeout]] | 60 | - | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_max_threads|thread_pool_max_threads]] | 65536 | - | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_min_threads|thread_pool_min_threads]] | 1 | - | Windows-only. See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_oversubscribe|thread_pool_oversubscribe]] | 3 | - | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_prio_kickup|thread_pool_prio_kickup]] | auto | - | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_priority|thread_pool_priority]] | auto | - | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_size|thread_pool_size]] | Number of processors | 16* | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. *Only available in MySQL with a commercial plugin. |
| [[thread-pool-system-and-status-variables#thread_pool_stall_limit|thread_pool_stall_limit]] | 500 | 6* | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. *Only available in MySQL with a commercial plugin.|
| [[server-system-variables#thread_stack|thread_stack]] | 299008 | Varies | See [[threadpool-in-55|Using the Thread Pool]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#tmp_disk_table_size|tmp_disk_table_size]] | 18446744073709551615 | - | Max size for data for an internal temporary on-disk MyISAM or Aria table. |
| [[server-system-variables#tmp_memory_table_size|tmp_memory_table_size]] | 16777216 | - | Alias for [[server-system-variables#tmp_table_size|tmp_table_size]]. |
| transaction_allow_batching | - | OFF | Variable for enabling batching of statements within the same transaction in MySQL Cluster. |
| transaction_write_set_extraction | - | OFF | Unused MySQL-only variable. |
| [[server-system-variables#tx_isolation|tx_isolation]] | REPEATABLE-READ | - | A MariaDB-only variable, replaced with [[server-system-variables#transaction_isolation|transaction_isolation]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#tx_read_only|tx_read_only]] | OFF | - | A MariaDB-only variable, replaced with [[server-system-variables#transaction_read_only|transaction_read_only]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#use_stat_tables|use_stat_tables]] | preferably_for_queries | - | Controls the use of [[engine-independent-table-statistics|engine-independent table statistics]]. |
| [[server-system-variables#userstat|userstat]] | OFF | - | Whether to activate MariaDB's [[user-statistics|User Statistics]] implementation, not available in MySQL. |
| version_compile_zlib | - | * | Version of the zlib library compiled in. |
| [[server-system-variables#version_malloc_library|version_malloc_library]] | * | - | Version of the used malloc library. |
| [[server-system-variables#version_source_revision|version_source_revision]] | Varies | - | Permits seeing exactly which version of the source was used for a build. |
| [[ssl-system-variables#version_ssl_library|version_ssl_library]] | * | - | Version of the used TLS library. |
| windowing_high_use_precision | - | * | MySQL option allowing safety to be sacrificed for speed in [[window-functions|window function]] calculations. |
| [[galera-cluster-system-variables|wsrep_*]] | * | - | [[mariadb-galera-cluster|Galera cluster]] is only available in MariaDB. |
|= Variable |= MariaDB 11.7 |= MySQL 8.0 |= Notes|

See Also


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