Comments - systemd

7 years, 5 months ago Jochen Rupp
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I've installed mariadb-server on Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTS. The version being installed is 10.0.

Now I'd like to create a systemd service script for my seafile server, in which 'mysql.service' should appear under 'After=' in order to assure, that mariadb is started before seafile server starts.

The problem is, that there is no mysql.service file (probably because it's not the latest mariadb version?) but mariadb seems to be started via SysV-Init!?

How can I handle that? Is there a way to link to SysV-Init-Scripst in a systemd-script or can I somehow migrate my mariadb installation to systemd?

Thanks in advance and best regards, Jochen

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