Timezones help

Hi there,

Sorry for what may be a silly question. I am very new to MariaDB and just wanted to get some help in understanding how timezones work

I am working with a web dev that is sending across data to my MariaDB database. When initially setting up MariaDb, the global time zone was set to default but I have since changed this to '+00:00'.

The web dev also sent over the code to create the table, which included SET time_zone = "+00:00"; in the code. The date fields were set up to be 'datetime' , example from code (`Entry_Date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,).

I found that the entries were coming in but they were in UTC time rather than my local time (which should be Australia/Melbourne) even when running the below query SET time_zone ='+10:00'; SELECT * FROM Sample

I then changed the field type of 'Entry_Date' to TIMESTAMP, and found that it is behaving differently to DATETIME.

The only issue with using TIMESTAMP field type is that I am no longer getting records sent through (I think my web dev may need to change a config from their end).

Please can someone help point me in the right direction?



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