TrueNAS plug in root password error

hi All,

I'm trying to set up the Mariadb;- plug in for TrueNAS (v12.3). after installation, I go to log in to create a users (for kodi central database - I get an error 1045 (28000) acess denied for root@localhost But I've not set a password up as this is a fresh installation. I've tried this but again it get stopped at root's password.

Does anyone have a suggestion on what I'm doing wrong??

Many thanks

Answer Answered by Ian Gilfillan in this comment.

You don't give very many details, and I'm not familiar with TrueNAS, but perhaps Troubleshooting Connection Issues is helpful. Maybe due to trying to use a password from root when you only have unix socket authentication enabled? See Authentication from MariaDB 10.4.


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