Comments - Unable to get pdo_mysql to work with CentOS 6 and MariaDB 5.5.32

10 years, 10 months ago Sergei Golubchik

Did you compile yourself? Against MySQL client library from Oracle? That would explain the error you're seeing.

When we added symbol versioning to our client library we carefully tried to keep it drop-in replacement and picked exactly the same versioning that CentOS mysql-libs package uses.

In this versioning logic, mysql_options has version libmysqlclient_16, because, indeed, it was present in the old and it haven't changed since. Thus it retained the old version.

MySQL client library from Oracle, on the other hand, has all symbols under the new libmysqlclient_18 version, even symbols that have not changed when the version was incremented. This makes Oracle incompatible with CentOS mysql-libs and with our client library.

I would recommend you to recompile using either CentOS or our

10 years, 10 months ago Justin Davis

Found the problem. 'Something' installed it's own version of instead of either yours or one compiled against mysql. Did a yum install yum install php-mysql-5.4.19 from the remi repo and it fixed the problem instantly. Thanks for the heads up.

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