Comments - Update mariadb-10.6.5 to mariadb-10.6.7 on Windows ? which way to update?

2 years, 4 months ago Vladislav Vaintroub

You are running onto . You just need to wait until 10.6.8 is out, then upgrade.

It is all handled by MSI. Once MSI installed, your database is upgraded. You do not need to mysql_upgrade, if you migrate from 10.6.x to 10.7.y

2 years, 4 months ago urs moser

Hello Vladislav thanks a lot for your assistance. It looks that I ran into this problem, exactly. I hope I will get the correction done by the 10.6.8 MSI release or higher.

Then I have updateded to 10.6.7 by hand ... as below:

- Online Backup C:\PROGRA1\MARIAD1.6\bin\mariabackup.exe --backup --target-dir= - Stop MariaDB with service - Saved additionaly all Directory from C:\PROGRA1\MARIAD1.6\ (Copy all into save place)

1: I copied all code ( from 10.6.7 entZIPped Folder over into the installed, Windows path "C:\PROGRA1\MARIAD1.6\

2: reStart MariaDB with service

3: access DB with mySQL Client to see if 10.6.7 is in access to verify correct Level MariaDB [(none)]> status; -------------- C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.6\bin\mysql.exe Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.7-MariaDB, for Win64 (AMD64), source revision e3894f5d397722dd50fb91dbbdbad3aaf017a4b0

4: ran with Windows Admin command:

mysql_upgrade -h HOSTIP-ADDRESS -uroot --password= Phase 1/7: Checking and upgrading mysql database Processing databases mysql mysql.column_stats OK mysql.columns_priv OK : : sys.x$waits_global_by_latency OK Phase 4/7: Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables' Phase 5/7: Fixing table and database names Phase 6/7: Checking and upgrading tables Processing databases information_schema performance_schema sys sys.sys_config OK wisc5 wisc5.wisc5person OK wisc5.wisc5session OK Phase 7/7: Running 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES' OK

After this Table conversion/Update/Check It looks good

5: Access with Application to ensure Data are accessable and I can modify as well imsert new records. 6: - Online Backup C:\PROGRA1\MARIAD1.6\bin\mariabackup.exe --backup --target-dir=

Please note to/for Point 4, because of Security within Windows AD Policy it was not possible to create the mysql_upgrade_info File on the data directory, the given messages are a bit misleading:

FATAL ERROR: Could not open or create the upgrade info file 'C:
Program Files
MariaDB 10.6
mysql_upgrade_info' in the MariaDB Servers data directory, errno: 13 (Permission denied) Note that mysql_upgrade should be run as the same user as the MariaDB server binary, normally 'mysql' or 'root'. Alternatively you can use mysql_upgrade --force --force. Please check the documentation if you decide to use the force option!

After this conversion I hope I'm fine and in a proper state with the MariaDB ...

I also hope that the next MSI Install will correct my "Hand Made Update" to be be accepted by the MSI Package.

Thanks a lot for your update and additional Information. Please correct me if I missed or I overlooked something at the moment.

Best regards Urs

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