Comments - Upgrading MariaDB on Windows

2 years ago Sean Anderson

I am trying to upgrade from v10.1.2 (running as service MySQL) and I have installed from the MSI for v10.2.0 (as service MySQL_10.2).

I ran the mysql_upgrade_service --service=MySQL_10.2 from the BIN folder of the new installation and got the 8 phases with a "Service 'MySQL_10.2' successfully upgraded" and started the service from service.msc

Open Heidi and I have a blank database. How would I reattach my data and bring in the users from my v10.1.2 2 instance?

Also tried running the mysql_upgrade_wizard.exe from the same BIN folder, but that said there is no service that can be upgraded to Mariad DB 10.2.0, which I assume is because I completed it from the command line, previously.

Advie would be greatly appreciated.

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