Wait for changes on a table
Hi, I am making an Android app that should connect to a db and update the information shown whenever a table on the database changes, so, is there a way to make the app recognise thoose changes with the java connector? I could just make a function to look the table every few seconds but i would like to know if there is something built in.
Answer Answered by Markus Mäkelä in this comment.
Like is mentioned in MDEV-16590, this can be emulated in SQL. Here's a quick little prototype of a pair of stored procedures and a table that can be used to send and wait for signals. Adding signal IDs and versions for notify_one/notify_all should be possible.
delimiter $$ ; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE wait_for_signal(IN timeout INT) BEGIN INSERT INTO signal_waiters VALUES (CONNECTION_ID()); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT('SELECT ''wait_for_signal'', SLEEP (', timeout, ')'); DELETE FROM signal_waiters WHERE id = CONNECTION_ID(); END $$ CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE send_signal() BEGIN START TRANSACTION; FOR rec IN (SELECT id FROM signal_waiters FOR UPDATE) DO EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT('KILL QUERY ', rec.id); DELETE FROM signal_waiters WHERE id = rec.id; END FOR; COMMIT; END $$ delimiter ; $$ CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE signal_waiters(id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY); -- To wait for a signal CALL wait_for_signal(10); -- To send a signal CALL send_signal();
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