What datatype to use in table when inserting int_16 [ ] array
How should I best construct/define the table and its column that are to hold a struct of data in transport between frontend webpage and backend low level system.
My idea is to create a web interface to replace FIFO rpc usage with MariaDB as a go-between apart from data storage, adding logging functionality The web shall post REQUEST into table ie send a command with corresponding information or send changed data (like the name or value) to be updated. Request is sent to manipulate backend connected engine, Posted data is inserted/updated by backend after handling (like security test), into corresponding tables and pushed to frontend
I need to handle all swedish and danish letters
CREATE TABLE `guirequest` ( `request_id` BINARY(16) DEFAULT NULL, `functioncode` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `indexcode` int(11) DEFAULT 0, `idata` int(11) DEFAULT -1, `argv` text(4096) DEFAULT NULL, `size_argv` int DEFAULT -1, `logdate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `signature` text(20) DEFAULT NULL, `read_request` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `done_request` int DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY (`request_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
struct data{ int functioncode; command int src; from int destination; to whom int size_of_request; size including headers int argc; no of arguments int argv[1]; list of arguments short messagetype; severity of message }REQUEST;