Will MariaDB eventually work with R1Soft CDP MySQL plugin ?

According to R1Soft, their CDP MySQL plugin http://www.r1soft.com/linux-cdp/cdp-30-enterprise-edition/mysql/ for mysql backup isn't compatible with MariaDB http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1079176. Would be nice if it did.

Any chance of MariaDB folks working with R1Soft to make MariaDB 5.x compatible ?

Answer Answered by colin charles in this comment.

I am trying to make initial contact with R1Soft to ensure that MariaDB is supported.

A good idea is also since you're a paying customer you tell R1Soft that you would like them to support MariaDB, not just MySQL.

In theory it should "just work", but we have not tested it.


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