Error : INSERT INTO in dynammic column (CREATE_COLUMN function) with Java Connector.
Hello !
I have discovered dynamics columns few times ago and I would test it with a little java program.
However, I got an error on the CREATE_COLUMN function. I use prepared statement to do it.
This is the query : INSERT INTO maTable (imei, `timestamp`, event, optional_data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, CREATE_COLUMN(?));
Java code is :
//3 first data MariaDbBlob optionalDataBlob = new MariaDbBlob("'value', '12'".getBytes()); sqlQuery.getPreparedStatement().setBlob(4, optionalDataBlob);
I get the following error : java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=3548) FUNCTION mydatabase.CREATE_COLUMN does not exist.
But on Dbeaver when I am writing it manually, it works fine. I am probably making something wrong. But what ?
Is it possible to do it with the Java Connector ? If yes, can you tell me how to do it ? I haven't seen explanations on internet.
Thanks a lot for your help, sincerely.
Answer Answered by Axel Dumas in this comment.
Hello !
I have solved the problem... It was a verry silly mistake from me.
Firstly. It's not CREATE_COLUMN but's better. ^^
Secondly. I have used my own method to make SELECT queries, not the UPDATE method.
Thridly (here, it's interesting for others). With prepared statement, you can't make :
In your query : COLUMN_CREATE(?) MariaDbBlob optionalDataBlob = new MariaDbBlob("'value', '12'".getBytes()); sqlQuery.getPreparedStatement().setBlob(4, optionalDataBlob);
You have to do many "?" to insert your keys and values. So you have to do :
In your query : COLUMN_CREATE(?, ?) //or more "?" //And you just insert strings. sqlQuery.getPreparedStatement().setString(4, "value"); sqlQuery.getPreparedStatement().setString(5, "12");
That's all. I hope this mistake will help someone else.
Thanks you, Sincerely.