Opzioni di mysql-test-run.pl

Per ottenere un elenco delle opzioni di mysql-test-run.pl:

shell> ./mysql-test-run.pl --help

In MariaDB 5.1.49, l'output è il seguente:

shell> ./mysql-test-run.pl --help
Logging: ./mysql-test-run.pl  --help

./mysql-test-run.pl [ OPTIONS ] [ TESTCASE ]

Options to control what engine/variation to run

  embedded-server       Use the embedded server, i.e. no mysqld daemons
  ps-protocol           Use the binary protocol between client and server
  cursor-protocol       Use the cursor protocol between client and server
                        (implies --ps-protocol)
  view-protocol         Create a view to execute all non updating queries
  sp-protocol           Create a stored procedure to execute all queries
  compress              Use the compressed protocol between client and server
  ssl                   Use ssl protocol between client and server
  skip-ssl              Dont start server with support for ssl connections
  vs-config             Visual Studio configuration used to create executables
                        (default: MTR_VS_CONFIG environment variable)
  parallel=#            How many parallell test should be run
  defaults-file=<config template> Use fixed config template for all
  defaults_extra_file=<config template> Extra config template to add to
                        all generated configs
  combination=<opt>     Use at least twice to run tests with specified
                        options to mysqld
  skip-combinations     Ignore combination file (or options)

Options to control directories to use
  tmpdir=DIR            The directory where temporary files are stored
                        (default: ./var/tmp).
  vardir=DIR            The directory where files generated from the test run
                        is stored (default: ./var). Specifying a ramdisk or
                        tmpfs will speed up tests.
  mem                   Run testsuite in "memory" using tmpfs or ramdisk
                        Attempts to find a suitable location
                        using a builtin list of standard locations
                        for tmpfs (/dev/shm)
                        The option can also be set using environment
                        variable MTR_MEM=[DIR]
  client-bindir=PATH    Path to the directory where client binaries are located
  client-libdir=PATH    Path to the directory where client libraries are located

Options to control what test suites or cases to run

  force                 Continue to run the suite after failure
  with-ndbcluster-only  Run only tests that include "ndb" in the filename
  skip-ndb[cluster]     Skip all tests that need cluster
  do-test=PREFIX or REGEX
                        Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
                        or fulfills REGEX
  skip-test=PREFIX or REGEX
                        Skip test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
                        or fulfills REGEX
  start-from=PREFIX     Run test cases starting test prefixed with PREFIX where
                        prefix may be suite.testname or just testname
                        Collect tests in suites from the comma separated
                        list of suite names.
                        The default is: "main,binlog,federated,rpl,maria,parts,innodb,innodb_plugin,percona"
  skip-rpl              Skip the replication test cases.
  big-test              Also run tests marked as "big"
  staging-run           Run a limited number of tests (no slow tests). Used
                        for running staging trees with valgrind.
  enable-disabled       Run also tests marked as disabled
  print-testcases       Don't run the tests but print details about all the
                        selected tests, in the order they would be run.

Options that specify ports

  mtr-port-base=#       Base for port numbers, ports from this number to
  port-base=#           number+9 are reserved. Should be divisible by 10;
                        if not it will be rounded down. May be set with
                        environment variable MTR_PORT_BASE. If this value is
                        set and is not "auto", it overrides build-thread.
  mtr-build-thread=#    Specify unique number to calculate port number(s) from.
  build-thread=#        Can be set in environment variable MTR_BUILD_THREAD.
                        Set  MTR_BUILD_THREAD="auto" to automatically aquire
                        a build thread id that is unique to current host

Options for test case authoring

  record TESTNAME       (Re)genereate the result file for TESTNAME
  check-testcases       Check testcases for sideeffects
  mark-progress         Log line number and elapsed time to <testname>.progress

Options that pass on options

  mysqld=ARGS           Specify additional arguments to "mysqld"
  mysqltest=ARGS        Specify additional arguments to "mysqltest"

Options to run test on running server

  extern option=value   Run only the tests against an already started server
                        the options to use for connection to the extern server
                        must be specified using name-value pair notation
                        For example:
                         ././mysql-test-run.pl --extern socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock

Options for debugging the product

  client-ddd            Start mysqltest client in ddd
  client-debugger=NAME  Start mysqltest in the selected debugger
  client-gdb            Start mysqltest client in gdb
  ddd                   Start mysqld in ddd
  debug                 Dump trace output for all servers and client programs
  debugger=NAME         Start mysqld in the selected debugger
  gdb                   Start the mysqld(s) in gdb
  manual-debug          Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before
                        running test(s)
  manual-gdb            Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running
  manual-ddd            Let user manually start mysqld in ddd, before running
  max-save-core         Limit the number of core files saved (to avoid filling
                        up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to
                        5, set to 0 for no limit. Set
                        it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE
  max-save-datadir      Limit the number of datadir saved (to avoid filling
                        up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to
                        20, set to 0 for no limit. Set
                        it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATDIR
  max-test-fail         Limit the number of test failurs before aborting
                        the current test run. Defaults to
                        10, set to 0 for no limit. Set
                        it's default with MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL

Options for valgrind

  valgrind              Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using
                        valgrind with default options
  valgrind-all          Synonym for --valgrind
  valgrind-mysqltest    Run the "mysqltest" and "mysql_client_test" executable
                        with valgrind
  valgrind-mysqld       Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind
  valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option
  valgrind-option=ARGS  Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s),
                        can be specified more then once
  valgrind-path=<EXE>   Path to the valgrind executable
  callgrind             Instruct valgrind to use callgrind

Options for strace

  strace                Run the "mysqld" executables using strace. Default
                        options are -f -o var/log/'mysqld-name'.strace
  strace-option=ARGS    Option to give strace, replaces default option(s),
  strace-client=[path]  Create strace output for mysqltest client, optionally
                        specifying name and path to the trace program to use.
                        Example: ./mysql-test-run.pl --strace-client=ktrace

Misc options
  user=USER             User for connecting to mysqld(default: root)
  comment=STR           Write STR to the output
  notimer               Don't show test case execution time
  verbose               More verbose output(use multiple times for even more)
  verbose-restart       Write when and why servers are restarted
  start                 Only initialize and start the servers, using the
                        startup settings for the first specified test case
                         ./mysql-test-run.pl --start alias &
  start-dirty           Only start the servers (without initialization) for
                        the first specified test case
  wait-all              If --start or --start-dirty option is used, wait for all
                        servers to exit before finishing the process
  fast                  Run as fast as possible, dont't wait for servers
                        to shutdown etc.
  parallel=N            Run tests in N parallel threads (default 1)
                        Use parallel=auto for auto-setting of N
  repeat=N              Run each test N number of times
  retry=N               Retry tests that fail up to N times (default 1).
                        Retries are also limited by the maximum number of
                        failures before stopping, set with the --retry-failure
  retry-failure=N       When using the --retry option to retry failed tests,
                        stop when N failures have occured (default 2)
  reorder               Reorder tests to get fewer server restarts
  help                  Get this help text

  testcase-timeout=MINUTES Max test case run time (default 15)
  suite-timeout=MINUTES Max test suite run time (default 360)
  shutdown-timeout=SECONDS Max number of seconds to wait for server shutdown
                        before killing servers (default 10)
  warnings              Scan the log files for warnings. Use --nowarnings
                        to turn off.

  stop-file=file        (also MTR_STOP_FILE environment variable) if this
                        file detected mysql test will not start new tests
                        until the file will be removed.
  stop-keep-alive=sec   (also MTR_STOP_KEEP_ALIVE environment variable)
                        works with stop-file, print messages every sec
                        seconds when mysql test is waiting to removing
                        the file (for buildbot)

  sleep=SECONDS         Passed to mysqltest, will be used as fixed sleep time
  debug-sync-timeout=NUM Set default timeout for WAIT_FOR debug sync
                        actions. Disable facility with NUM=0.
  gcov                  Collect coverage information after the test.
                        The result is a gcov file per source and header file.
  gcov-src-dir=subdir   Colllect coverage only within the given subdirectory.
                        For example, if you're only developing the SQL layer, 
                        it makes sense to use --gcov-src-dir=sql
  experimental=<file>   Refer to list of tests considered experimental;
                        failures will be marked exp-fail instead of fail.
  report-features       First run a "test" that reports mysql features
  timestamp             Print timestamp before each test report line
  timediff              With --timestamp, also print time passed since
                        *previous* test started
  max-connections=N     Max number of open connection to server in mysqltest


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