Un elenco di presentazioni relative a MariaDB che sono state utilizzate in diverse conferenze.
Replication features of 2011: what they were, how to get and how to use them
Sergei Petrunia - FOSDEM 2012 MySQL Devroom 02-07-2012
MariaDB 5.3's query optimizer: taking the dolphin to where he's never been before
Sergei Petrunia - FOSDEM 2012 MySQL Devroom 02-07-2012
Pluggable Authentication in MariaDB and MySQL
Sergei Golubchik - Percona Live MySQL Conference: London October 2011 - 10-25-2011
Subqueries to the People: MariaDB Making the Impossible Possible and the Slow Fast
Timour Katchaounov - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-14-2011
Monty Widenius - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-13-2011
Monty Widenius and Sanja Byelkin - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-13-2011
Colin Charles - O'Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo 2011 - 04-12-2011
New query optimizer features in MariaDB
Sergey Petrunya - FOSDEM 2011 MySQL & Friends devroom