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    [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE espr]


SHOW STATUS restituisce informazioni sullo stato del server. Queste informazioni si possono ottenere anche con il comando mysqladmin extended-status. La clausola LIKE, se presente, indica restituisce solo le variabili i cui nomi corrispondono al pattern. La clausola WHERE può essere usata per specificare condizioni più generiche, come spiegato in

MariaDB [test]> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Key%';
| Variable_name          | Value  |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed | 0      |
| Key_blocks_unused      | 115973 |
| Key_blocks_used        | 7      |
| Key_read_requests      | 19     |
| Key_reads              | 5      |
| Key_write_requests     | 2      |
| Key_writes             | 2      |

With the GLOBAL modifier, SHOW STATUS displays the status values for all connections to MariaDB. With SESSION, it displays the status values for the current connection. If no modifier is present, the default is SESSION. LOCAL is a synonym for SESSION.

Some status variables have only a global value. For these, you get the same value for both GLOBAL and SESSION. The scope for each status variable is listed at


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