Sintassi dei Commenti

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MariaDB supporta tre tipi di commenti:

  1. Dal carattere '#' alla fine della riga:
    SELECT * FROM utenti; # Questo è un commento
  2. Dai caratteri '-- ' alla fine della riga. Lo spazio dopo i due trattini è obbligatorio (come in MySQL).
    SELECT * FROM utenti; -- Questo è un commento
  3. Commenti in stile C dall'apertura '/*' alla chiusura '*/'. I commenti di questo genere possono espandersi su più righe:
    SELECT * FROM utenti; /* Questo è un
    su più righe */

In certi casi i commenti annidati funzionano, ma non sono supportati né raccomandati.

Executable Comments

As an aid to portability between different databases, MariaDB supports executable comments. These special comments allow you to embed SQL code which will not execute when run on other databases, but will execute when run on MariaDB.

MariaDB supports both MySQL's executable comment format, and a slightly modified version specific to MariaDB. This way, if you have SQL code that works on MySQL and MariaDB, but not other databases, you can wrap it in a MySQL executable comment, and if you have code that specifically takes advantage of features only available in MariaDB you can use the MariaDB specific format to hide the code from MySQL.

Executable Comment Syntax

MySQL and MariaDB executable comment syntax:

/*! MySQL or MariaDB-specific code */

Code that should be executed only starting from a specific MySQL or MariaDB version:

/*!##### MySQL or MariaDB-specific code */

The numbers, represented by '######' in the syntax examples above specify the specific the minimum versions of MySQL and MariaDB that should execute the comment. The first number is the major version, the second 2 numbers are the minor version and the last 2 is the patch level.

For example, if you want to embed some code that should only execute on MySQL or MariaDB starting from 5.1.0, you would do the following:

/*!50100 MySQL and MariaDB 5.1.0 (and above) code goes here. */

MariaDB-only executable comment syntax (starting from MariaDB 5.3.1):

/*M! MariaDB-specific code */
/*M!###### MariaDB-specific code */


In MySQL all the following will return 2: In MariaDB, starting from 5.3.1 the last 2 queries would return 3.

SELECT 2 /* +1 */
SELECT 1 /*! +1 */
SELECT 1 /*!50101 +1 */
SELECT 2 /*M! +1 */
SELECT 2 /*M!50101 +1 */


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