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MariaDB ColumnStoreのGAバージョンでは、ColumnStoreのバイナリやRPMをインストールする前に、別のMariaDB ServerやMySQLがインストールされていないよう注意してください。もし既にインストールされている場合、以降の処理の前に、アンインストールしてください。


MariaDB ColumnStoreをインストールする前にいくつかの準備が必要です。以下の事項についてインストール前に決めてください。それぞれの詳細については、MariaDB ColumnStoreのアーキテクチャのドキュメントを参照してください。

  • いくつのUser Modules (UMs) が必要ですか?
  • いくつのPerformance Modules (PMs)が必要ですか?
  • どれくらいのdiskスペースが必要ですか?

MariaDB ColumnStoreは以下のOSでの動作をサポートしています:

  • RHEL/CentOS v6, v7
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Debian v8
  • SUSE 12


また、マルチノードシステムを構築する場合は、全てのノードで同じOSをインストールしてください。 さらに、ロケールの設定も全ノードで同じにしてください。


# localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

MariaDB ColumnStoreインストール前にシステム管理者から入手しておく情報は以下の通りです。

  • 各ノードにあるインターフェースのホスト名(オプション)
  • 各ノードにあるインターフェースのIPアドレス
  • rootやroot以外のパスワード (全ノードはrootやroot以外のユーザーに対して、同じsshキー、同じパスワードが設定されている必要があります)。MariaDB ColumnStoreはrootでもroot以外のユーザーでもインストール可能です。


[root@pm- 1 ~] $ ssh-keygen
[root@pm- 1 ~] $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pm-1
[root@pm- 1 ~] $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pm-2
[root@pm- 1 ~] $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pm-3
[root@pm- 1 ~] $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ um-1

MariaDB ColumnStoreはネットワーク構成に対して非常にフレキシブルです。 いくつかのオプションを以下に示しますt。

  • UMとPM間のネットワークは、複数のプライベートなVLANにより構成可能です。 この場合、MariaDB ColumnStoreは自動的に個々のLANをまとめて扱い、UMとPMの間で効果的なバンド幅が得られるように動作します。
  • PMは公開されたLANのアクセスは必要なく、UMとのみ通信可能であれば問題ありません。
  • UMは少なくとも一つのMySQL Serverフロントエンドへ接続できる必要がありますが、PMとの接続とは分離することが可能です。
  • MySQL Serverフロントエンドの全てのセキュリティ機能を使用可能です。規定では、3306番のポートで待ち受けています。
  • MariaDB ColumnStoreはTCP/IPレベルの層へのみアクセスするため、物理レイヤーの選択は自由に行うことができます。

MariaDB ColumnStoreのポートの使用

The MariaDB ColumnStoreデーモンは3306番のポートを使用します。 また、以下のポートも利用します。

8600 - 8622, 8700, 8800

ストレージとデータベースファイル (DBRoots)

DBRootは、MariaDB ColumnStoreがデータを置くコンテナやディレクトリを指します。例えば、インストールディレクトリには、/usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data<N>というフォルダがありますが、このNはdbroot番号です。

注意:extX、NFSなどのストレージを使うときんいは、MariaDBフロントエンドデータやDBRootバックエンドデータファイルのみがマウントされるようセットアップしてください。/usr/local/mariadb や /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore などのシステムが配置されるディレクトリ全体をマウントしないでください。


  • /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/db # フロントエンドスキーマやColumnStore以外のデータ(オプショナル)
  • /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/dataX # DBroots。Columnstoreのデータ

データベースファイルの保存にローカルディスクを使うのであれば、DBRootディレクトリはインストールディレクトリ以下に作成されます。例えば、/usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data<N> となります。 システム構成時には、1 Performance Moduleごとに1つのDBRootを設定する必要があります。

Dataにはソフトリンクを使用してください。もし、ローカルディスクの空き容量の制限などで難しい場合、外部ストレージを使用することが可能です。 mariadb/columnstore/data や mariadb/columnstore/dataXのようなDataディレクトリレベルでソフトリンクを設定することを推奨します。このセットアップ中には、パッケージのアップグレードを、rpmやバイナリから実行することができます。 もし、/usr/local/mariadbのような最上位の階層に対してソフトリンクを設定しなければならない場合には、バイナリパッケージを使用してインストールしてください。rpmを使用したインストールでは、アップグレード実施時に、ソフトリンクが削除されアップグレードも失敗するという障害が発生します。



  • 各DBRootは別々のパーティションやディレクトリに設定します。
  • 1つのPerformance Moduleに複数のDBRootをアサインし、Performance Moduleごとに異なる数のDBRootを設定しているかもしれませんが、全てのPerformance Moduleに同じ数、同じサイズのストレージを割り当てることを推奨します。例として、1つのPerformance Moduleに2つのストライピングされていない別々のデバイスを割り当てていた場合には、2つのDBRootを1つのPerformance Moduleに割り当て、/etc/fstabに2つのマウントを設定します。
  • MariaDB ColumnStoreっはほとんどのLinuxファイルシステムで動作し、EXT2上でのテストを重点的に行っています。EXT3やEXT4でも問題はないはずですが、データベースアプリケーションにおいてこれらのファイルシステムのジャーナリングは不可の大きいものとなります。 選択したファイルシステムの書き込み特性を慎重に評価し、特定のビジネスニーズを満たすことを確認する必要があります。 いずれにせよ、MariaDB ColumnStoreは比較的少数の非常に大きなファイル (64MB) を書き込みます。 Linuxシステム管理者に相談して、選択したファイルシステムでデフォルトよりも大きなinode単位の設定を行うかどうかを必要に応じて確認してください。
  • MariaDB ColumnStoreは、SANストレージデバイスを使用しているときにパフォーマンスモジュールがダウンした場合の高可用性フェイルオーバーをサポートします。 サポートするようにシステムをセットアップするには、すべてのSANデバイスをパフォーマンスモジュールにマウントする必要があります。したがって、2つのパフォーマンスモジュールがあり、それぞれに1つのSANデバイスがあるシステムでは、1つのパフォーマンスモジュールがオフラインになると、システムは自動的にこれを検出し、SANデバイスをダウンしたモジュールから1つのアクティブなパフォーマンスモジュールに再マウントします。また、そのモジュールがオフラインのままでも実行可能です。
  • fstabファイルを必ず設定してください (/etc/fstab)。エントリは、すべてのPMで使用されているすべてのDBRootを、各PMに追加する必要があります。'noauto'オプションは、すべてのDBRootがすべてのPMに関連付けられますが、サーバーの起動時には自動的にはマウントされないことを示します。各PMに割り当てられたDBRootは、ColumnStoreの起動時にそのPMに固有にマウントされます。


/dev/sda1 /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data1 ext2 noatime,nodiratime,noauto 0 0
/dev/sdd1 /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/data2 ext2 noatime,nodiratime,noauto 0 0


MariaDB ColumnStoreを使用する際に考慮すべきパフォーマンスの最適化について以下に示します。固有のニーズを満たすための、さらに追加の最適化を行いたい場合には、ネットワーク管理者などに相談してください。

GbE NIC settings:
  • Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local to include the following:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10000
  • Modify /etc/sysctl.conf for the following:
# increase TCP max buffer size

net.core.rmem_max = 16777216

net.core.wmem_max = 16777216

# increase Linux autotuning TCP buffer limits

# min, default, and max number of bytes to use

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216

# don't cache ssthresh from previous connection

net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1

# recommended to increase this for 1000 BT or higher

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 2500

# for 10 GigE, use this

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 30000
  • Cache memory settings: To optimize Linux to cache directories and inodes the vm.vfs_cache_pressure can be set to a lower value than 100 to attempt to retain caches for inode and directory structures. This will help improve read performance. A value of 10 is suggested. The following commands must all be run as the root user or with sudo.

To check the current value:

cat /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure

To set the current value until the next reboot:

sysctl -w vm.vfs_cache_pressure=10

To set the value permanently across reboots, add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf:

vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 10

System settings considerations

umask setting

The default setting of 022 in /etc/profile is what is recommended. It it required that it the setting doesn't end with a 7, like 077. Example, on a root install, mysqld that runs as 'mysql' user needs to be able to read the MariaDB ColumnStore configuration file, Columnstore.xml. So a last digit of 7 would prevent this and cause the install to fail.

The current umask can be determined:


A value of 022 can be set in the current session or in /etc/profile as follows:

umask 022

Firewall considerations

The MariaDB ColumnStore utilizes these ports 3306, 8600 - 8622, 8700, and 8800. So on multi-node installs, these ports will need to be accessible between the servers. So if there is any firewall software running on the system that could block these ports, either that firewall would need to be disabled as shown below or the ports listed above will need to be configured to allow both input and output on all servers within the firewall software. You will also want to allow these ports to be passed though on any routers that might be connected between the servers.

To disable any local firewalls and SELinux on mutli-node installs

You must be a Root user.

CentOS 6 and systems using iptables

#service iptables save  (Will save your existing IPTable Rules)
#service iptables stop  (It will disable firewall Temporarly)

To Disable it Permanentely:

#chkconfig iptables off

CentOS 7 and systems using systemctl with firewalld installed

#systemctl status firewalld  
#systemctl stop firewalld  
#systemctl disable firewalld  

Ubuntu and systems using ufw

#service ufw stop  (It will disable firewall Temporarly)

To Disable it Permanentely:

#chkconfig ufw off


#/sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 status
#/sbin/rcSuSEfirewall2 stop 

To disable SELinux,

edit file "/etc/selinux/config" and find line;


Now replace it with,


Package dependencies

Boost libraries

MariaDB ColumnStore requires that the boost package of 1.53 or newer is installed.

For Centos 7, Ubuntu 16, Debian 8, SUSE 12 and other newer OS's, you can just install the boost packages via yum or apt-get.

# yum -y install boost


# apt-get -y install libboost-all-dev

For CentOS 6, you can either download and install the MariaDB Columnstore Centos 6 boost library package or install the boost source of 1.55 and build it to generate the required libraries. That means both the build and the install machines require this.

How to download, go to binaries download page and download "centos6_boost_1_55.tar.gz"

Click All Versions - > 1.0.x -> centos -> x86_64

Install package on each server in the cluster

tar xfz centos6_boost_1_55.tar.gz -C /usr/lib

Downloading and build the boost libraries:

NOTE: This means that the "Development Tools" group install be done prior to this.

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install cmake

Here is the procedure to download and build the boost source:

cd /usr/
tar zxvf boost_1_55_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_55_0
./ --with-libraries=atomic,date_time,exception,filesystem,iostreams,locale,program_options,regex,signals,system,test,thread,timer,log --prefix=/usr
./b2 install

For SUSE 12, you will need to install the boost-devel package, which is part of the SLE-SDK package.

SUSEConnect -p sle-sdk/12.2/x86_64
zypper install boost-devel

Other packages

Make sure these packages are installed on the nodes where the MariaDB ColumnStore packages will be installed:

Centos 6/7

# yum -y install expect perl perl-DBI openssl zlib file sudo  libaio rsync snappy net-tools perl-DBD-MySQL

Ubuntu 16

# apt-get -y install tzdata libtcl8.6 expect perl openssl file sudo libdbi-perl libboost-all-dev libreadline-dev rsync libsnappy1v5 net-tools libdbd-mysql-perl

Debian 8

# apt-get -y install expect perl openssl file sudo libdbi-perl libboost-all-dev libreadline-dev rsync libsnappy1 net-tools libdbd-mysql-perl


zypper install expect perl perl-DBI openssl zlib file sudo libaio rsync boost snappy net-tools perl-DBD-mysql

Choosing the type of initial download/install

Installing MariaDB ColumnStore with the use of soft-links. If you want to setup an install where the Data is stored out in a separate directory in the case you have limit amount local storage, this can be done. It is recommended that the softlinks be setup at the Data Directory Levels, like mariadb/columnstore/data and mariadb/columnstore/dataX. With this setup, you can perform upgrades using any of the package types, rpm, debian, or binary. In the case where you prefer OR have to set a softlink at the top directory, like /usr/local/mariadb, you will need to install using the binary package. If you install using the rpm package and tool, this softlink will be deleted when you perform the upgrade process and the upgrade will fail.

IMPORTANT: Make sure there are no other version of MariaDB server install. If so, these will need to be uninstalled before installing MariaDB ColumnStore.

Root user installs

Initial download/install of MariaDB ColumnStore RPMs

  1. Install MariaDB ColumnStore as user root (use 'su -' to establish a login shell if you access the box using another account):

Note: MariaDB ColumnStore installation will install with a single MariaDB userid of root with no password. You may setup users and permissions for a MariaDB ColumnStore-Mysql account just as you would in MySQL.

Note: The packages will be installed into /usr/local. This is required for root user installs

Download the package mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.tar.gz (RHEL5 64-BIT) to the server where you are installing MariaDB ColumnStore and place in the /root directory. Unpack the tarball, which will generate multiple RPMs that will reside in the /root/ directory.
tar -zxf mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.tar
Install the RPMs. The MariaDB ColumnStore software will be installed in /usr/local/.
rpm -ivh mariadb-columnstore*release#*.rpm

Initial download/install of MariaDB ColumnStore binary package

Install MariaDB ColumnStore as user root on the server designated as PM1: Note: You may setup users and permissions for an MariaDB ColumnStore account just as you would in MariaDB.

For root user installs, MariaDB Columnstore needs to run in /usr/local. You can either install directly into /usr/local or install elsewhere and then setup a softlink to /usr/local. Here is an example of setting up a soft-link if you install the binary package in /mnt/mariadb

# ln -s /mnt/mariadb /usr/local
  • Download the package into the /root/ and copy to /usr/local directory to the server where you are installing MariaDB ColumnStore.
cp /root/mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.bin.tar.gz /usr/local/ mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.bin.tar.gz
  • Unpack the tarball, which will generate the /usr/local/ directory.
    tar -zxvf mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.bin.tar.gz

Run the post-install script:


Initial download/install of MariaDB ColumnStore DEB package

DEB package installs are not supported in the current version, but there is an Ubuntu 16.04 binary package that you can use to install. Just follow the binary package instructions above

Install MariaDB ColumnStore on a Debian or Ubuntu OS as user root: Note: You may setup users and permissions for an MariaDB ColumnStore account just as you would in MariaDB.

  1. Download the package mariadb-columnstore-release#.amd64.deb.tar.gz
    (DEB 64- BIT) into the /root directory of the server where you are installing MariaDB ColumnStore.
  2. Unpack the tarball, which will generate DEBs.
    tar -zxf mariadb-columnstore-release#.amd64.deb.tar.gz
  3. Install the MariaDB ColumnStore DEBs. The MariaDB ColumnStore software will be installed in /usr/ local/.
    dpkg -i mariadb-columnstore*release#*.deb

Non-root user installs

MariaDB Columnstore can be installed to run as a non-root user using the binary tar file installation. These procedures will also allow you to change the installation from the default install directory into a user-specified directory. These procedures will need to be run on all the MariaDB ColumnStore Servers.

For the purpose of these instructions, the following assumptions are:

  • Non-root user "guest" is used in this example
  • Installation directory is /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore

Tasks involved:

  • Create the non-root user and group of the same name (by root user)
  • Update sudo configuration (by root user)
  • Set the user file limits (by root user)
  • Modify fstab if using SAN Mounted files (by root user)
  • Uninstall existing MariaDB Columnstore installation if needed (by root user)
  • Update permissions on certain directories that MariaDB Columnstore writes (by root user)
  • Set up defaults file
  • MariaDB Columnstore Installation (by non-root user)
  • Enable MariaDB Columnstore to start automatically at boot time

Creation of the non-root user (by root user)

Before beginning the binary tar file installation you will need your system administrator to set up accounts for you on every MariaDB Columnstore node. The account name must be the same on every node. The password used must be the same on every node. If you subsequently change the password on one node, you must change it on every node. The user-id must be the same on every node as well. In the examples below we will use the account name 'guest' and the password 'mariadb'. Additionally, every node must have a basic Linux server package setup and additionally have expect (and all its dependencies) installed.

  • create new user

Group ID is an example, can be different than 1000, but needs to be the same on all servers in the cluster

adduser guest -u 1000

  • create group
addgroup guest
moduser -g guest guest

The value for user-id must be the same for all nodes.

  • Assign password to newly created user

passwd guest

  • Log in as user guest

su - guest

  • Choose an installation directory in which the non-root user has full read-write access. The installation directory must be the same on every node. In the examples below we will use the path '/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore'.
    On each host add the following to your startup environment (.bashrc, .profile, etc.)
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/mariadb/columnstore

Note that these commands must be available to non-interactive shells. Once changes have been made, verify by running 'ssh user@host env' to ensure these values are displayed.

You must log off and log back in for these environment variables to be effective.

Update sudo configuration (by root user)

The sudo configuration file on each node will need to be modified to add in the non-root user. The recommended way is to use the Unix command, visudo. The following example will add the ‘guest’ user: visudo

  • Add the following line for the non-root user:
guest  ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Comment out the following line, which will allow the user to login without 'tty':
#Defaults requiretty

Set the user file limits (by root user)

ColumnStore needs the open file limit to be increased for the specified user. To do this edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file and make the following additions at the end of the file:

guest hard nofile 65536
guest soft nofile 65536

If you are already logged in as 'guest' you will need to log out and back in again for this change to take effect.

Modify fstab if using SAN Mounted Database Files (by root user)

If you are using a SAN to store the database files, an ‘users‘ option will need to be added to the fstab entries (by the root user). For more information, please see the “SAN Mounted Database Files” section earlier in this guide.

Example entries:
/dev/sda1 /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/data1 ext2 noatime,nodiratime,noauto,users 0 0
/dev/sdd1 /home/mariadb/columnstore/data2 ext2 noatime,nodiratime,noauto,users 0 0

The disk device being used will need to have its user permissions set to the non-root user name. This is an example command run as 'root' user setting the user ownership of dbroot /dev/sda1 to non-root user of 'guest':

mke2fs dbroot (i.e., /dev/sda1) 
mount /dev/sda1 /tmpdir 
chown -R infinidb.infinidb /tmpdir 
umount /tmpdir 

Uninstall existing MariaDB Columnstore installation, if needed (by root user)

If MariaDB Columnstore has ever before been installed on any of the planned hosts as a root user install, you must have the system administrator verify that no remnants of that installation exist. The non-root installation will not be successful if there are MariaDB Columnstore files owned by root on any of the hosts.

  • Verify the MariaDB Columnstore installation directory does not exist:
    The /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore directory should not exist at all unless it is your target directory, in which case it must be completely empty and owned by the non-root user.
  • Verify the /etc/fstab entries are correct for the new installation.
  • Verify the /etc/default/columnstore directory does not exist.
  • Verify the /var/lock/subsys/mysql-Columnstore file does not exist.
  • Verify the /tmp/StopColumnstore file does not exist.

There should not be any files or directories owned by root in the /tmp directory

Update permissions on certain directories that MariaDB Columnstore writes (by root user)

These directories are writing to by the MariaDB Columnstore applications and the permissions need to be set to allow them to create files. So the permissions of them need to be set to the following by root user.

chmod 777 /tmp
chmod 777 /dev/shm

MariaDB Columnstore installation (by non-root user)

You should be familiar with the general MariaDB Columnstore installation instructions in this guide as you will be askedthe same questions during installation.

  • Log in as non-root user ( guest , in our example) Note: Ensure you are at your home directory before proceeding to the next step
  • Now place the MariaDB Columnstore binary tar file in your home directory on the host you will be using as PM1. Untar the binary distribution package to the /home/guest directory: tar -xf mariadb-columnstore-release#.x86_64.bin.tar.gz
  • Run post installation:
./mariadb/columnstore/bin/post-install --installdir=$HOME/mariadb/columnstore
  • Run the 3 command lines that were outputted by the previous post-install command, which would look like the following. See the “MariDB Columnstore Configuration” in this guide for more information:
export COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR=/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/lib:/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/lib/mysql
/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -i /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore

a. When prompted for package type, enter 'binary' Enter the Package Type being installed to other servers [rpm,deb,binary] (rpm) > binary

b. When prompted for password, enter the non-user account password OR just hit enter if you have setup the non-root user with password-less ssh keys on all nodes (Please see the “System Administration Information” section earlier in this guide for more information on ssh keys.)

Set up Defaults file (by root user)

Set up the Defaults file for each MariaDB Columnstore server:

  • cp /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstore.def /etc/default/columnstore (this is a rename of the file)

In this default file, change the installation directory entry ( COLUMNSTORE_INSTALL_DIR ) to /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore

Post-installation (by root user)

Optional items to assist in MariaDB Columnstore auto-start and logging:

  • To configure MariaDB Columnstore to start automatically at boot time, perform the following steps in each InfiniDB server:
  • Add the following to the /etc/rc.local or /etc/rc.d/rc.local (centos7) file:

su - guest -l -c "/home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstore start"


sudo runuser -l mariadb-user -c "/home/mariadb-user/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstore start"

Note: Make sure the above entry is added to the rc.local file that gets executed at boot time. Depending on the OS installation, rc.local could be in a different location.

  • MariaDB Columnstore will setup and log using your current system logging application in the directory /var/log/mariadb/columnstore. Perform the following if you want to setup to have the MariaDB Columnstore logs archived daily and deleted after 7 defaults (default setting):
  • cp /home/guest/mariadb/columnstore/bin/columnstoreLogRotate /etc/logrotate.d/columnstore (this is a rename of the file)

ColumnStore Cluster Test Tool

This tool can be running before doing installation on a single-server or multi-node installs. It will verify the setup of all servers that are going to be used in the Columnstore System.

The next step would be to run the install script postConfigure, check the Single Server Or Multi-Server Install guide.

ColumnStore Configuration and Installation Tool

MariaDB Columnstore System Configuration and Installation tool, 'postConfigure', will Configure the MariaDB Columnstore System and will perform a package Installation of all of the servers within the system that is being configured. It will prompt the user to configuration information like server, storage, and system features. It updates the MariaDB Columnstore System Configuration File, Columnstore.xml. It will also execute MariaDB Server setup scripts on server where User Module Functionality will be. At the end, it will start up the ColumnStore system.

NOTE: This tool is always run on the Performance Module #1.

Example uses of this script are shown in the Single and Multi Server Installations Guides.

# /usr/local/mariadb/columnstore/bin/postConfigure -h

This is the MariaDB ColumnStore System Configuration and Installation tool.
It will Configure the MariaDB ColumnStore System based on Operator inputs and
will perform a Package Installation of all of the Modules within the
System that is being configured.

IMPORTANT: This tool should only be run on a Performance Module Server,
           preferably Module #1


	Press 'enter' to accept a value in (), if available or
	Enter one of the options within [], if available, or
	Enter a new value

Usage: postConfigure [-h][-c][-u][-p][-s][-port][-i][-n]
   -h  Help
   -c  Config File to use to extract configuration data, default is Columnstore.xml.rpmsave
   -u  Upgrade, Install using the Config File from -c, default to Columnstore.xml.rpmsave
	    If ssh-keys aren't setup, you should provide passwords as command line arguments
   -p  Unix Password, used with no-prompting option
   -s  Single Threaded Remote Install
   -port MariaDB ColumnStore Port Address
   -i Non-root Install directory, Only use for non-root installs


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