Surprises in store with ndb_restore

While doing some routine fiddling regarding some topic I’ve now forgotten, I discovered that ndb_restore was doing something quite surprising. It’s been common wisdom for some time that one can use ndb_restore -m to restore metadata into a new cluster and automatically have your data re-partitioned across the data nodes in the destination cluster. In fact, this was the recommended procedure for adding nodes to a cluster before online add node came along. Since MySQL Cluster 7.0, though, ndb_restore hasn’t behaved that way, though that change in behavior doesn’t seem to be documented and most don’t know that the change ever took place. I’ll go through some of the methods you can use to find information about the partitioning strategy for an NDB table, talk a bit about why ndb_restore stopped working the way most everyone expected (and still expect) it to, and discuss some possible alternatives and workarounds. Let’s start out with an example of how ndb_restore worked in the pre-7.0 days. I’m going to create a 2-node cluster, create a table, put some rows in it, look at the partitioning strategy for that table, then take a backup and shut down my cluster.

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ cat ~/cluster_2.ini 

[ndbd default]




[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f ~/cluster_2.ini  
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'all status'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Node 3: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)
Node 4: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/mysqld_safe &
[1] 2489
120215 20:10:49 mysqld_safe Logging to '/home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23/data/ip-10-0-0-59.err'.
120215 20:10:49 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23/data

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.1.56-ndb-6.3.45-cluster-gpl MySQL Cluster Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql 5.1.56-ndb-6.3.45-cluster-gpl (root) [test]> create table c1 (id int) engine=ndb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.12 sec)

mysql 5.1.56-ndb-6.3.45-cluster-gpl (root) [test]> INSERT INTO c1 (id) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),
Query OK, 100 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 100  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql 5.1.56-ndb-6.3.45-cluster-gpl (root) [test]> Bye
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_desc -d test c1 -pn
-- c1 --
Version: 1
Fragment type: 5
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: no
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 206
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes -- 

-- Indexes -- 
PRIMARY KEY($PK) - UniqueHashIndex

-- Per partition info -- 
Partition       Row count       Commit count    Frag fixed memory       Frag varsized memory    Extent_space    Free extent_space       Nodes   
0               56              56              32768                   0                       0               0                       3,4
1               44              44              32768                   0                       0               0                       4,3

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'start backup'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Waiting for completed, this may take several minutes
Node 3: Backup 1 started from node 1
Node 3: Backup 1 started from node 1 completed
 StartGCP: 88 StopGCP: 91
 #Records: 2156 #LogRecords: 0
 Data: 53208 bytes Log: 0 bytes
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ 
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/mysqladmin shutdown
120215 20:13:45 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23/data/ ended
[1]+  Done                    ./bin/mysqld_safe
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e shutdown
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
2 NDB Cluster node(s) have shutdown.
Disconnecting to allow management server to shutdown.

So, there we’ve created a 2-node cluster, created a table and put a few rows in it, created an NDB native backup, and then shut the cluster down. Now, we’ll create a 4-node cluster, restore the backup, and see what our table looks like.

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ rm ./data/test/*
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ cat ~/cluster_4.ini 

[ndbd default]




[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f ~/cluster_4.ini  
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'all status'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Node 3: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)
Node 4: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)
Node 5: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)
Node 6: started (mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45)

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_restore -b 1 -r -n 3 -m ~/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Backup Id = 1
Nodeid = 3
backup path = /home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.3.ctl'
Backup version in files: ndb-6.3.11 ndb version: mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45
Connected to ndb!!
Successfully restored table `mysql/def/ndb_apply_status`
Successfully restored table event REPL$mysql/ndb_apply_status
Successfully restored table `test/def/c1`
Successfully restored table event REPL$test/c1
Successfully restored table `mysql/def/ndb_schema`
Successfully restored table event REPL$mysql/ndb_schema
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1-0.3.Data'
Processing data in table: sys/def/NDB$EVENTS_0(1) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_apply_status(4) fragment 0
Processing data in table: test/def/c1(5) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/NDB$BLOB_2_3(3) fragment 0
Processing data in table: sys/def/SYSTAB_0(0) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_schema(2) fragment 0
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.3.log'
Restored 56 tuples and 0 log entries

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_restore -b 1 -r -n 4 ~/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Backup Id = 1
Nodeid = 4
backup path = /home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.4.ctl'
Backup version in files: ndb-6.3.11 ndb version: mysql-5.1.56 ndb-6.3.45
Connected to ndb!!
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1-0.4.Data'
Processing data in table: sys/def/NDB$EVENTS_0(1) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_apply_status(4) fragment 1
Processing data in table: test/def/c1(5) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/NDB$BLOB_2_3(3) fragment 1
Processing data in table: sys/def/SYSTAB_0(0) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_schema(2) fragment 1
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.4.log'
Restored 44 tuples and 0 log entries

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-6.3.45-linux-x86_64-glibc23]$ ./bin/ndb_desc -d test c1 -pn
-- c1 --
Version: 1
Fragment type: 5
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: no
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 206
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes -- 

-- Indexes -- 
PRIMARY KEY($PK) - UniqueHashIndex

-- Per partition info -- 
Partition       Row count       Commit count    Frag fixed memory       Frag varsized memory    Extent_space    Free extent_space       Nodes   
0               26              26              32768                   0                       0               0                       3,4
1               24              24              32768                   0                       0               0                       5,6
3               20              20              32768                   0                       0               0                       6,5
2               30              30              32768                   0                       0               0                       4,3

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

Alright! We created a new cluster with 4 data nodes, restored the backup into the cluster, and confirmed with ndb_desc that the data was automatically re-partitioned to give the table a number of partitions equal to the number of data nodes in the cluster. Why is that important? This way, each data node can be primary for one partition. You can see in the Nodes column on the very right-hand side of the Per partition info section which nodes hold each partition. The left-most node listed in that column for a given partition is the primary for that partition; any other nodes listed hold secondary replicas for that partition. When the cluster is handling a request, data is only retrieved from the primary replica. If we had 4 data nodes but only 2 partitions, that would mean that half of our nodes were not primary for any partition, which means that they would never be responsible for sending any data to API/MySQL nodes. Clearly, that is not the best solution in terms of spreading load across the data nodes. Unfortunately, that is exactly the behavior you get with this same operation starting with MySQL Cluster 7.0. Here’s a demo identical to the one above, but using MySQL Cluster 7.2.4:

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f ~/cluster_2.ini --config-dir=/home/ndb/cluster-config/ --initial
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial
2012-02-15 20:29:17 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:29:17 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 3
2012-02-15 20:29:17 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:29:17 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 4
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'all status'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Node 3: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)
Node 4: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/mysqld_safe &
[1] 3079
120215 20:29:35 mysqld_safe Logging to '/home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64/data/ip-10-0-0-59.err'.
120215 20:29:35 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64/data

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl MySQL Cluster Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> create table c1 (id int) engine=ndb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.17 sec)

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> INSERT INTO c1 (id) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),
Query OK, 100 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 100  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> Bye
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_desc -d test c1 -pn
-- c1 --
Version: 1
Fragment type: 9
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: no
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 204
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
FragmentCount: 2
ExtraRowGciBits: 0
ExtraRowAuthorBits: 0
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes -- 

-- Indexes -- 
PRIMARY KEY($PK) - UniqueHashIndex

-- Per partition info -- 
Partition       Row count       Commit count    Frag fixed memory       Frag varsized memory    Extent_space    Free extent_space       Nodes   
0               56              56              32768                   0                       0               0                       3,4
1               44              44              32768                   0                       0               0                       4,3

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'start backup'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Waiting for completed, this may take several minutes
Node 3: Backup 1 started from node 1
Node 3: Backup 1 started from node 1 completed
 StartGCP: 25 StopGCP: 28
 #Records: 2157 #LogRecords: 0
 Data: 53592 bytes Log: 0 bytes
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/mysqladmin shutdown
120215 20:30:15 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /home/ndb/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64/data/ ended
[1]+  Done                    ./bin/mysqld_safe
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e shutdown
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
3 NDB Cluster node(s) have shutdown.
Disconnecting to allow management server to shutdown.

OK, everything there looks about the same as before. We created the same table, inserted the same rows, and we have the same number of partitions that we did after the first half of the exercise on MySQL Cluster 6.3.45. Now, let’s try the restore.

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ rm ./data/test/*
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgmd -f ~/cluster_4.ini --config-dir=/home/ndb/cluster-config/ --initial
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;./bin/ndbd --initial;
2012-02-15 20:32:43 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:32:43 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 3
2012-02-15 20:32:43 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:32:43 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 4
2012-02-15 20:32:44 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:32:44 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 5
2012-02-15 20:32:44 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:1186'
2012-02-15 20:32:44 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 6
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_mgm -e 'all status'
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Node 3: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)
Node 4: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)
Node 5: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)
Node 6: started (mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4)

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_restore -b 1 -r -n 3 -m ~/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Backup Id = 1
Nodeid = 3
backup path = /home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.3.ctl'
File size 14088 bytes
Backup version in files: ndb-6.3.11 ndb version: mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4
Stop GCP of Backup: 27
Connected to ndb!!
Created hashmap: DEFAULT-HASHMAP-240-2
Successfully restored table `mysql/def/ndb_apply_status`
Successfully restored table event REPL$mysql/ndb_apply_status
Successfully restored table `test/def/c1`
Successfully restored table event REPL$test/c1
Successfully restored table `mysql/def/ndb_schema`
Successfully restored table event REPL$mysql/ndb_schema
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1-0.3.Data'
File size 27448 bytes
Processing data in table: mysql/def/NDB$BLOB_7_3(8) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_index_stat_sample(5) fragment 0
Processing data in table: sys/def/NDB$EVENTS_0(3) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_apply_status(9) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_index_stat_head(4) fragment 0
Processing data in table: test/def/c1(10) fragment 0
Processing data in table: sys/def/SYSTAB_0(2) fragment 0
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_schema(7) fragment 0
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.3.log'
File size 52 bytes
Restored 56 tuples and 0 log entries

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_restore -b 1 -r -n 4 ~/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Backup Id = 1
Nodeid = 4
backup path = /home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.4.ctl'
File size 14088 bytes
Backup version in files: ndb-6.3.11 ndb version: mysql-5.5.19 ndb-7.2.4
Stop GCP of Backup: 27
Connected to ndb!!
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1-0.4.Data'
File size 26688 bytes
Processing data in table: mysql/def/NDB$BLOB_7_3(8) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_index_stat_sample(5) fragment 1
Processing data in table: sys/def/NDB$EVENTS_0(3) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_apply_status(9) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_index_stat_head(4) fragment 1
Processing data in table: test/def/c1(10) fragment 1
Processing data in table: sys/def/SYSTAB_0(2) fragment 1
Processing data in table: mysql/def/ndb_schema(7) fragment 1
Opening file '/home/ndb/cluster-data/BACKUP/BACKUP-1/BACKUP-1.4.log'
File size 52 bytes
Restored 44 tuples and 0 log entries

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_desc -d test c1 -pn
-- c1 --
Version: 1
Fragment type: 9
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: no
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 204
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
FragmentCount: 2
ExtraRowGciBits: 0
ExtraRowAuthorBits: 0
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes -- 

-- Indexes -- 
PRIMARY KEY($PK) - UniqueHashIndex

-- Per partition info -- 
Partition       Row count       Commit count    Frag fixed memory       Frag varsized memory    Extent_space    Free extent_space       Nodes   
0               56              56              32768                   0                       0               0                       3,4
1               44              44              32768                   0                       0               0                       5,6

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

Uh oh, this didn’t turn out quite the same as the example from MySQL Cluster 6.3.45. There are still only 2 partitions after the restore, even though there are 4 data nodes. Take a look at the Nodes column on the right of “Per partition info” and you can see, in fact, that the 2 partitions are actually on separate node groups. That’s sort of interesting. It means that writes are still going to be scaled across all node groups, which is great, but it means that reads will not be scaled. All reads will have to come from nodes 3 and 5, because those nodes are the primaries for their respective partitions. So, why did this change happen? It’s not something that anyone decided to do consciously, I think; instead, I think it’s the side effect of the implementation of the new HashMap partitioning algorithm that was introduced and made default in MySQL Cluster 7.0. Frazer Clement provides an exceptional discussion of the HashMap algorithm at….. It appears that the HashMap is stored as part of the schema data for the table; when the table metadata is restored with ndb_restore -m, the same HashMap is used. MySQL Cluster distributes the partitions across all the node groups in the destination cluster, but it does not change the number of partitions. (As a result, if you had a 6-node cluster, one node group would not hold any partitions for this table; that would mean 3 node groups, but there are only 2 partitions.) Now we see how ndb_restore works starting in MySQL Cluster 7.0 and we can see that the results are not very desirable. What, then, can be done to get your table distributed across all nodes and node groups so that each data node in the cluster is primary for one partition? There are a couple options. Part of the reason HashMap was put into place was to make it easier to redistribute data in the cluster in order to support online add node functionality. When using online add node, you execute an ALTER TABLE … REORGANIZE PARTITION statement after creating the new node group(s) and starting the new data nodes. We can do the same, here, to reorganize the partitions of our table across all nodes in the cluster:

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> select partition_name, table_rows from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='test' and table_name='c1';
| partition_name | table_rows |
| p0             |         56 |
| p1             |         44 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> alter table c1 reorganize partition;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (7.46 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> select partition_name, table_rows from information_schema.partitions where table_schema='test' and table_name='c1';
| partition_name | table_rows |
| p0             |         26 |
| p1             |         24 |
| p2             |         30 |
| p3             |         20 |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql 5.5.19-ndb-7.2.4-gpl (root) [test]> Bye
[ndb@ip-10-0-0-59 mysql-cluster-gpl-7.2.4-linux2.6-x86_64]$ ./bin/ndb_desc -d test c1 -pn
-- c1 --
Version: 16777217
Fragment type: 9
K Value: 6
Min load factor: 78
Max load factor: 80
Temporary table: no
Number of attributes: 2
Number of primary keys: 1
Length of frm data: 204
Row Checksum: 1
Row GCI: 1
SingleUserMode: 0
ForceVarPart: 1
FragmentCount: 4
ExtraRowGciBits: 0
ExtraRowAuthorBits: 0
TableStatus: Retrieved
-- Attributes -- 

-- Indexes -- 
PRIMARY KEY($PK) - UniqueHashIndex

-- Per partition info -- 
Partition       Row count       Commit count    Frag fixed memory       Frag varsized memory    Extent_space    Free extent_space       Nodes   
0               26              116             32768                   0                       0               0                       3,4
2               30              30              32768                   0                       0               0                       4,3
1               24              84              32768                   0                       0               0                       5,6
3               20              20              32768                   0                       0               0                       6,5

NDBT_ProgramExit: 0 - OK

That’s a pretty easy way to re-partition a table across your data nodes. However, keep in mind that you’d need to do this for every table in the cluster. It’s fairly easy to do that programatically by checking the number of partitions for a given table in information_schema.partitions and executing ALTER TABLE … REORGANIZE PARTITON for any of them that have fewer partitions than the number of rows in ndbinfo.nodes. Still, though, I don’t find that to be terribly appealing. There are also a couple big caveats for ALTER TABLE … REORGANIZE PARTITION – it doesn’t re-partition UNIQUE indexes or BLOBs. The first of those may not be such a big problem, because UNIQUE indexes (implemented in MySQL Cluster as a separate, hidden table) are not likely to be large in size to the point that scaling reads or spreading the data across additional node groups would be so important. BLOBs, on the other hand, (also implemented in MySQL Cluster as a separate, hidden table) can take up a lot of space, so having them relegated to only some nodes in the cluster might mean that those nodes would use considerably more DataMemory than other nodes. Another solution, if ALTER TABLE … REORGANIZE PARTITION doesn’t strike your fancy, is to use mysqldump --no-data to backup and restore your schema instead of relying on ndb_restore -m. You’d still use ndb_restore to restore data, but you’d get the schema from mysqldump. When you execute the CREATE TABLE statements output by mysqldump, MySQL Cluster sees them as brand new tables and thus partitions them across all data nodes in the Cluster, as as would be the case for any new table created on the cluster. Using mysqldump has the advantage of backing up triggers and stored routines, which you won’t get if you use ndb_restore -m. If you are using those features, this is very important, of course; if you’re not using them, there isn’t a lot of practical value gained by using mysqldump. In fact, it means that you add an extra step for backup, and you add an extra step for restore. On top of that, you get no guarantee of consistency. Some DDL could be executed between the time that you run mysqldump and the time you start your NDB native backup. That means that there is no guarantee that the table structure in one part of your backup matches the structure of the data in the other part. That’s a little bit scary, and it can only be worked around safely by essentially taking the cluster offline (single user mode) when executing a backup. My hope is that the original (and still widely expected) behavior of ndb_restore will be … restored. I’ve opened bug #64302 to track the issue. Let me know your thoughts here, and let the MySQL Cluster developers know your thoughts on the bug report.