about database load

Hi,eveyone: I am a newcomer to use mariadb. Now I have a mariadb installed on the system. Now I have a Jira software and confluence in use and I want to build a zabbix to monitor other servers. Of course, zabbix is C/S architecture. this server is intended to be the S. I want to know now. If my zabbix also uses mariadb, will the database become the bottleneck of the system? Will it affect performance? How can I see the pressure and status of the database?thans. my Server is two Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz and 31G memory

Answer Answered by Michael Widenius in this comment.

I don't know zabbix, but I doubt that it or any other well behaved monitoring software would cause a notable extra load on the MariaDB server. After all, it will use other tables than the rest of the applications so there shouldn't be any conflicting locks. In the worst case you can fire up another independent MariaDB server and have zabbix write it's results there.

Any system monitoring tool that monitors disk and memory should help you see the pressure on the system. If that isn't enough, you should consider using Navicat, Monyog or any of the other available MariaDB/MySQL monitoring tools that exists.


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