An update lock cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction
Hello everyone I just upgraded to the latest version of WampServer to use PHP 8. Before this installation, I used MySQL (by default) but I took advantage of this installation to use MariaDB (like for my website).
During my non-regression tests, I encountered the following problem: Unable to execute a query with a subquery using a join on spatial data with another table.
When I execute this query (this type of query in fact because I have already had the case), the message "An update lock cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction" sanctions the execution.
Note that if I transform the subquery into a temporary table, the query execution works. Also note that with MySQL there was no problem
An idea ?
SELECT SITE.set_name, SITE.site_name, wnat_gps.unik_lieudit AS unik_lieudit, wnat_gps.unik AS unik_gps, 'G' AS Type_Localite, point(0,0) AS lieudit_p_coordonnees_spacial, wnat_gps.p_coordonnees_spacial AS gps_p_coordonnees_spacial, ST_ASTEXT(ST_CENTROID(SITE.g_coordinates_spacial)) AS Centroid FROM ( SELECT wnat_geometries_objets.unik AS unik_geometrie_objet, wnat_geometries_ensembles.unik_organism, wnat_geometries_ensembles.unik_territoire, organisms.Organism, wnat_geometries_sets.set_name, wnat_geometries_sites.site_name, wnat_geometries_objets.g_coordonnees_spacial, wnat_geometries_sites.unik_geometrie_ensemble, wnat_geometries_objets.unik_geometrie_site FROM wnat_geometries_sites INNER JOIN wnat_geometries_ensembles ON wnat_geometries_sites.unik_geometrie_ensemble = wnat_geometries_ensembles.unik INNER JOIN wnat_geometries_objets ON wnat_geometries_objets.unik_geometrie_site = wnat_geometries_sites.unik INNER JOIN organisms ON wnat_geometries_ensembles.unik_organism = organisms.unik WHERE wnat_geometries_ensembles.ensemble_name = 'CDL Corse (PI)' ) SITE, wnat_gps WHERE ST_CONTAINS(SITE.g_coordonnees_spacial, wnat_gps.p_coordonnees_spacial)