switching from mysqlclient to libmysqlclient to libmariadbclient.a ... issue when inserting row ...

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Hi, I just tried to use libmariadbclient.a instead of libmysqlclient.a in my application. Building the application is O.K. But when trying to insert a row in the mariadb database , I got following error : 1366:Incorrect string value: '\xEAt du ...' for column 'V_DESC' at row 1

Did I miss something when build the libmariadbclient.a library ? Thx for help.

J.P. Ribeauville

FYI mariadb server version is 5.5.68


Hi, It works now !! By adding these lines in [mysqld] section in Mariadb server configuration file :

character-set-client-handshake = FALSE character-set-server = utf8 character-set-server = latin1



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