Comments - Bare-minimum MariaDB "cmake" options?

9 months, 3 weeks ago Daniel Black

Wow, that "-DWITHOUT_DYNAMIC_PLUGINS=1" is just what I need! I couldn't find anything about it, is it undocumented?

DISABLE_SHARED has the same effect and its in the cmake -L options. So I guess it should be the documented one.

So I should be using "cmake --build" instead of "make -j4" (I have 4 vCPU on my server). Will cmake --build be faster? Or what's the difference?

cmake can use multiple things to build. "cmake --build" will work with all of the, but make -j4 will only work if CMAKE_GENERATOR is set to makefiles.

I see so many different guides ...

Many things work. Do tell us if something doesn't.

I have seen guides show some "mysql_secure_installation

Per docs "Note that many of the reasons for the existence of this script no longer apply".

And if I install from source, will there be a systemd service included?

Did you have libsystemd-dev installed when you compiled?

If so, the service file is in /usr/local/mysql/support-files/systemd/mariadb.service

It will need to be copied/linked from /lib/systemd/system/ or /etc/systemd/system for systemd to recognise it. systemctl daemon-reload after its moved there and then systemctl start mariadb.service.

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