Bug Tracking
You are viewing questions related to Bug Tracking.
How and where the community can report bugs and file feature requests, and how bug reports are processed for community users. MariaDB plc provides SLA for customer issues (see Technical Support Services).
Open Questions
CTE Issue with table name
I am evaluating the current version of mariadb (10.6.11). Currently we are ... -
Encountering errors using MariaDB ODBC Driver 3.1.4 32-Bit
Hi: When I connect using the 3.1.4 driver, all datatypes come over only as ... -
explain result different in different versions
hi admin firstly, my function runs well in 10.3 10.5 and 10.6. But when I u... -
JSON Validate Error
I am getting an error while inserting JSON which has depth more than 32. I... -
mariadb jdbc client having issues, but mysql client working
This issue has been reported before; allegedly it is a server issue and sho... -
more on streaming-resultset-retrieval/
I don't see how to reply to the comment I see at https://mariadb.com/kb/en/... -
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY wrong behaviour
Wrong behaviour of mariaDB on GROUP BY on primary key when ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is set -
Optimization error in BETWEEN command
Hi, I have a function that calculates a number: CREATE FUNCTION CP2 (iNum1 ... -
sql_mode='NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION' is supposed to allow the subtraction of ... -
Spatial indexes and Unable to execute a query with a subquery using a join on spatial data with another table.
When I query my database using spatial functions, queries are sanctioned by... -
Strange bug
I am developing application for the client with Lucee programing language a... -
streaming resultset retrieval
I see doc for mysql about resultset streaming. Is this all supposed to wor... -
Unix ODBC connect engine in Red Had Enterprise Linux
Getting error while connecting to oracle database using unixODBC on maria d...
Answered Questions
Connection refused — log says it's a bug but it's working OK elsewhere on the same server.
I'm not sure how to report or seek help with this issue. I'll be happy to p... -
230429 19:34:27 [ERROR] mysqld got exception 0x80000003 ; This could be bec... -
MariaDB 10.4.10 is crashing after upgrade from 10.3
PLease find below part of the error which randomly appears during the day. ... -
MariaDB failed upgrade from 10.4.12 GA to 10.4.13 GA
First, tried to do a clean install of mariadb 10.4.13 windows 10 64bit, fai... -
MariaDB server audit plugin bundled in Mariadb version 10.4.12, compatible with mysql 5.7?
I am researching auditing options for MySQL Community server 5.7. I looked... -
ORDER BY clause ignored in subquery
We are migrating many MySQL instances to MariaDB 10.2.8. We have a very lar... -
Query optimization
The optimizer is being tuned with each version, but there are still cases w... -
SELECT statement not returning values with BETWEEN clause containing dates
Hi MariaDB 10.4 PHPmyAdmin 5.0.2 PHP 7.4.5 I have a DB with 10 entries with...
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