Comments - can not get past 150+1 as my max connections

3 years, 9 months ago Andy Badi




Sorry, the images do not seem to display.

When I run the show variables like "max_connections"; , it still says 151, even after restarting.

I have added the line max_connections=400 to my.cnf and restart. It just seems to ignore it.

When I run the set global max_connections=400 , it says "no database selected"

3 years, 9 months ago Ian Gilfillan

If you are setting max_connections to 400 in a config file, and after restarting, it is still not accepted, there are two possibilities:

  • the config file is not being read in the first place
  • the setting is being overridden by something in a later config file Take a look at Configuring MariaDB with Option Files and try make sure you are updating the correct config file.
3 years, 9 months ago Andy Badi

I searched and searched and I came across a post somewhere that stated the max_connections MUST be the first line in the config.

If you look at my second post, where I screenshot my config and there is a commented out line and then max_connections, it did not work. However when I changed it to be the actual and real first line, it worked. I know, makes no sense to me either.

Here is the image of the working config!


3 years, 9 months ago Ian Gilfillan

That's definitely not normally not the case (I've just tested on an instance of mine with it set as the last line), so there's another mystery, perhaps something to do with what you're using to edit it (phpMyAdmin?). Anyway, glad you got it working!

3 years, 9 months ago Andy Badi

Yes, I know! It makes no sense. I believe what has happened is user error on my part. I had a copy of my old my.cnf in a different directory. I am running Windows Server 2016 and I typed my.cnf in the search bar. I suspect (facepalm) that I was editing the old my.cnf in error. Thought I had triple-checked to make sure if was the correct one. This is what happens when one is tired after a long day at work!

I am just glad it is working now!


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