Comments - Can't load MySQL Library

12 years, 9 months ago iwan Setiawan

I took a repository of with "ubuntu-Natty-2.5". When this failed, I uninstalled and re-install mariadb and all the libraries of MySql, and still the same thing happened.

Then I reinstall ubuntu, then install mariadb again, and still failed.

Since I try to use ubuntu over and over again does not work, then I try to use opensuse 11.4 and it worked.


12 years, 9 months ago Daniel Bartholomew

Sorry that it didn't work for you with Ubuntu. I run Ubuntu and haven't seen this error. It may be you have another package which is pulling in an old libmysqlclient16 package (or bundling its own).

Glad to hear that Opensuse is working.

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