Compatitible matrix between Mariadb and JDBC???

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Hi, guru I'm Seungyeol lee responsible for KT "bizmeka ez" using Mariadb.. we were upgrading Mariadb from 10.0.21 to 10.1.18 these days but Application Server could not connect to mariadb occurring following message on WAS after upgrading from 10.0.21 to 10.1.18

" java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not read resultset: Connection reset"

So..I thinks that one of culprit is related to JDBC...Let me ask question at this point

1) What jdbc version do you recommend on mariadb 10.1.18? Could you send me compatible matrix between jdbc and mariadb version? 2) If not, are there any factors I need to considerate? ( eg) wait_time ..JDBC parameter...etc..) 3) Could it be possible to provide the steps you recommend to narrow down and find root cause under this kind of problem?

If you want further information ..Feel free to ask me anytime..

Thanks, Seungyeol.lee

Answer Answered by Diego Dupin in this comment.

All jdbc connector permit to connect to all MariaDB server version. The latest the better. The only point to check is java version, because if you use very old version of java like java 6/7, then 1.x branch is to be use. see for more detail


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