Differences in MariaDB in Debian (and Ubuntu)

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The .deb packages provided by MariaDB Foundation's and MariaDB Corporation's repositories are not identical to the official .deb packages provided by Debian's and Ubuntu's default repositories.

The packages provided by MariaDB Foundation's and MariaDB Corporation's repositories are generated using the Debian packaging in MariaDB's official source code. The Debian packaging scripts are specifically in the debian/ directory.

The packages provided by Debian's and Ubuntu's default repositories are generated using the Debian packaging in Debian's mirror of MariaDB's source code, which contains some customizations. The source tree can be found here:

As a consequence, MariaDB behaves a bit differently if it is installed from Debian's and Ubuntu's default repositories.

Option File Locations

The option file located at /etc/mysql/my.cnf is handled by the update-alternatives mechanism when the mysql-common package is installed. It is a symbolic link that references either mysql.cnf or mariadb.cnf depending on whether MySQL or MariaDB is installed. Most of the MariaDB option files are therefore actually located in /etc/mysql/mariadb.d/.

System Variables

VariableMariaDB in DebianStandard MariaDBNotes
character_set_serverutf8mb4latin1Debian sets a default character set that can support emojis etc.


OptionMariaDB in DebianStandard MariaDBNotes
plugin-load-addauth_socket.so-Before MariaDB 10.4.3, MariaDB did not enable the UNIX_SOCKET Authentication Plugin plugin by default.This is default in Debian, allowing passwordless login.


  • The binaries in the MariaDB .deb packages provided by Debian's and Ubuntu's default repositories are statically linked with the bundled yaSSL libraries. In contrast, the binaries in the MariaDB .deb packages provided by by MariaDB Foundation's and MariaDB Corporation's repositories are dynamically linked with the system's OpenSSL libraries. See TLS and Cryptography Libraries Used by MariaDB for more information about which libraries are used on which platforms.


  • The unix_socket authentication plugin is installed by default in new installations that use the .deb packages provided by Debian's default repositories in Debian 9 and later and Ubuntu's default repositories in Ubuntu 15.10 and later.
  • The root@localhost created by mysql_install_db will also be created to authenticate via the unix_socket authentication plugin in these builds.

See Also

More Information

For details, check out the Debian and Ubuntu official repositories:


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