Dynamic Columns in MariaDB 10

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MariaDB starting with 10.0

In MariaDB 10 we are going to get folowing improvements with dynamic columns.

Name support

Now everywhere you used numbers to refer to columns it is possible to use strings:

  • creating a dynamic column record:
COLUMN_CREATE("int", -1212 as int, "double", 1.23444e50 as double, "string", 'gdgd\\dhdjh"dhdhd' as char);
  • altering a dynamic column record (remove column with name "int" and add one with name "intint"):
COLUMN_ADD(dynamiccolumns, "int", NULL, "intint", 12);
  • when changing the format (from numeric to a column with names):
COLUMN_ADD(COLUMN_CREATE(1,"string"), "1", NULL, "int", 12);
  • checking whether a column exists
COLUMN_EXISTS(dynamic_column, "column1");
  • getting a column value:
COLUMN_GET(dynstr, "column1" as char(10));

Changes in behavior

  • Column list output now includes quoting:
select column_list(column_create(1, 22, 2, 23));
| column_list(column_create(1, 22, 2, 23)) |
| `1`,`2`                                  |
select column_list(column_create('column1', 22, 'column2', 23)); 
| column_list(column_create('column1', 22, 'column2', 23)) |
| `column1`,`column2`                                      |
  • Column name interpretation has been changed so that the string now is not converted to a number. So some "magic" tricks will not work any more, for example, "1test" and "1" now become different column names:
select column_list(column_add(column_create('1a', 22), '1b', 23));
| column_list(column_add(column_create('1a', 22), '1b', 23)) |
| `1a`,`1b`                                                  |
  • Old behavior:
select column_list(column_add(column_create('1a', 22), '1b', 23));
| column_list(column_add(column_create('1a', 22), '1b', 23)) |
| 1                                                          |

New functions

The following new functions have been added to dynamic columns in MariaDB 10


This function is used to check a column's integrity. When it encounters an error it does not return illegal format errors but returns false instead. It also checks integrity more thoroughly and finds errors in the dynamic column internal structures which might not be found by other functions.

select column_check(column_create('column1', 22));
| column_check(column_create('column1', 22)) |
|                                          1 |
select column_check('abracadabra');
| column_check('abracadabra') |
|                           0 |


This function converts all dynamic column record content to a JSON array of objects which are pairs NAME:VALUE.

select column_json(column_create('column1', 1, 'column2', "two"));
| column_json(column_create('column1', 1, 'column2', "two")) |
| [{"column1":1},{"column2":"two"}]                          |

Interface with Cassandra

Some internal changes were added to dynamic columns to allow them to serve as an interface to Apache Cassandra dynamic columns. The Cassandra engine may pack all columns which were not mentioned in the MariaDB interface table definition and even bring chages in the dynamic column contents back to the cassandra columns family (the table analog in cassandra).

See Also


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