Google Summer of Code 2020
This year we are again participating in the Google Summer of Code. The MariaDB Foundation believes we are making a better database that remains application compatible with MySQL. We also work on making LGPL connectors (currently C, C++, ODBC, Java, Node.js) and on MariaDB Galera Cluster, which allows you to scale your reads & writes. And we have MariaDB ColumnStore, which is a columnar storage engine, designed to process petabytes of data with real-time response to analytical queries.
Where to Start
Please join us on Zulip to mingle with the community. You should also subscribe to [email protected] (this is the main list where we discuss development).
To improve your chances of being accepted, it is a good idea to submit a pull request with a bug fix to the server.
Also see the List of beginner friendly issues from the MariaDB Issue Tracker.
List of Tasks
Suggest a Task
Do you have an idea of your own, not listed above? Do let us know!