2 years, 7 months ago Trevor Gross

Will there be any new syntax to have this run automatically for inserts (without triggers)? E.g. column argument `ON UPDATE JSON_NORMALIZE`? This could be an easy way to save about 20%+ on storage, and likely also have some performance benefits for read-heavy applications.

2 years, 5 months ago Ian Gilfillan

The additional example above demonstrates a way to do this.

2 years, 5 months ago Trevor Gross

Thanks for adding the example - but unless I'm wrong, the data is still stored unnormalized, correct? And the normalize function is run each time there's a SELECT jnorm? That seems like quite a hit when dealing with large JSON documents (the column is LONGTEXT after all).

My hope was to be able to normalize the data between INSERT and actually writing to disk, to remove whitespace and help optimize any functions that run on it.

Of course, this is easily done on a front end, but if there's already a good JSON_NORMALIZE in MDB, why not let it be used for that purpose.

2 years, 5 months ago Jivan Pal

The use of `VIRTUAL` in the example means that you are correct. If you use `PERSISTENT` (or equivalently, `STORED`) instead, then the `jnorm` column will actually be stored in the db, but so too will the `val` column, doubling the storage used. Currently, having `BEFORE INSERT` and `BEFORE UPDATE` triggers with `SET NEW.val = JSON_NORMALIZE(NEW.val)` is the only way to do what we want.

2 years, 5 months ago Trevor Gross

Thanks for confirming, I added an issue to Jira for being able to do this without a trigger. Chime in if you'd use it

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