Comments - JSON_VALID

6 years, 2 months ago Karsten Budde


can you tell my, why the first select returns false and the second select true?

first select:
select json_valid('{"configuration":"{\"action\":\"reading\"}"}'); -- return 0

second select:
select json_valid(concat('{"configuration":', json_quote('{"action":"reading"}'), '}')); -- return 1

I can get the value for the first select from select concat('{"configuration":', json_quote('{"action":"reading"}'), '}'), which I use in the second select.

Is it a bug?
I had tested it in MariaDB 10.2.13 and MariaDB 10.3.5.

Kind regards
K. Budde

2 years, 9 months ago Android Marchand

You need to run this instead:

select json_valid('{"configuration":"{\\"action\\":\\"reading\\"}"}'); -- return 1

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