The Information Schema INNODB_TABLESPACES_ENCRYPTION table contains metadata about encrypted InnoDB tablespaces. When you enable encryption for an InnoDB tablespace, an entry for the tablespace is added to this table. If you later disable encryption for the InnoDB tablespace, then the row still remains in this table, but the ENCRYPTION_SCHEME and CURRENT_KEY_VERSION columns will be set to 0.

Viewing this table requires the PROCESS privilege, although a bug in versions before MariaDB 10.4.14 and MariaDB 10.5.5 mean the SUPER privilege was required (MDEV-23003).

It contains the following columns:

SPACEInnoDB tablespace ID.
NAMEPath to the InnoDB tablespace file, without the extension.
ENCRYPTION_SCHEMEKey derivation algorithm. Only 1 is currently used to represent an algorithm. If this value is 0, then the tablespace is unencrypted.
KEYSERVER_REQUESTSNumber of times InnoDB has had to request a key from the encryption key management plugin. The three most recent keys are cached internally.
MIN_KEY_VERSIONMinimum key version used to encrypt a page in the tablespace. Different pages may be encrypted with different key versions.
CURRENT_KEY_VERSIONKey version that will be used to encrypt pages. If this value is 0, then the tablespace is unencrypted.
KEY_ROTATION_PAGE_NUMBERPage that a background encryption thread is currently rotating. If key rotation is not enabled, then the value will be NULL.
KEY_ROTATION_MAX_PAGE_NUMBERWhen a background encryption thread starts rotating a tablespace, the field contains its current size. If key rotation is not enabled, then the value will be NULL.
CURRENT_KEY_IDKey ID for the encryption key currently in use.
ROTATING_OR_FLUSHINGCurrent key rotation status. If this value is 1, then the background encryption threads are working on the tablespace. See MDEV-11738.

When the InnoDB system tablespace is encrypted, it is represented in this table with the special name: innodb_system.


WHERE NAME LIKE 'db_encrypt%';
|    18 | db_encrypt/t_encrypted_existing_key          |                 1 |                  1 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    19 | db_encrypt/t_not_encrypted_existing_key      |                 1 |                  0 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    20 | db_encrypt/t_not_encrypted_non_existing_key  |                 1 |                  0 |      4294967295 |          4294967295 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    21 | db_encrypt/t_default_encryption_existing_key |                 1 |                  1 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    22 | db_encrypt/t_encrypted_default_key           |                 1 |                  1 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    23 | db_encrypt/t_not_encrypted_default_key       |                 1 |                  0 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
|    24 | db_encrypt/t_defaults                        |                 1 |                  1 |               1 |                   1 |                     NULL |                         NULL |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

See Also


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